albeirocamargocamargoInstagram Profile


Albeiro Camargo Camargo

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Albeiro Camargo Camargo Profile Information

@albeirocamargocamargo on Instagram have full name is Albeiro Camargo Camargo. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by albeirocamargocamargo on Instagram. Read More...

44 1 3 months ago
Join us on September 28th to celebrate 10 years of @anti_fashion_project One new retail format is the return of the market where one can meet the artisans who make our clothes. Co-founder @kavitaparmar will be speaking about how @_xtant_ culminates in a dynamic & inspiring annual textile festival on the island of Mallorca each May. Free register for this session via our bio link! 🙏🏼 

1. @ateliervetra 
2. Albeiro Comargo @albeirocamargocamargo 
3. Niamh O’Connell @niamhoconnelldesign
Join us on September 28th to celebrate 10 years of @anti_fashion_project One new retail format is the return of the market where one can meet the artisans who make our clothes. Co-founder @kavitaparmar will be speaking about how @_xtant_ culminates in a dynamic & inspiring annual textile festival on the island of Mallorca each May. Free register for this session via our bio link! 🙏🏼 Images: 1. @ateliervetra 2. Albeiro Comargo @albeirocamargocamargo 3. Niamh O’Connell @niamhoconnelldesign
278 6 3 months ago
Bufanda de lana de oveja
Bufanda de lana de oveja
31 1 5 months ago
Lana de oveja tinturada con añil cultivado en el jardín de mi casa
Lana de oveja tinturada con añil cultivado en el jardín de mi casa
25 0 7 months ago
Mochila en fibra de fique 
Técnica de tejido: Guane 
Color natural
Mochila en fibra de fique Técnica de tejido: Guane Color natural
44 7 7 months ago
Mochila tejido Guane(tipo morral) en fibra de Fique color natural.

Mochila tejido Guane(tipo morral) en fibra de Fique color natural. @albeirocamargocamargo #artesano #tejidosdesantander #tejidoguane #hechoencolombia #hechoamano✔
45 0 9 months ago