borischimp504Instagram Profile


Boris Chimp 504

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Boris Chimp 504 Profile Information

@borischimp504 on Instagram have full name is Boris Chimp 504. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by borischimp504 on Instagram. Read More...

2024 Highlights:
1/2/3 'Red Spectrum' Fulldome version at @eso_supernova planetarium (Munich). Thanks @_luis_calcada for inviting us ☺️
4 'Red Spectrum' at Som Riscado (@cineteatrolouletano )
5 'Red Spectrum' at @spacefestivalpt. Thank u Nuno and @m.argarida.m (pic @rmtf_)
6/7 'Red Spectrum' AV Performance premier at thanks @tpiresmagalhaes @grandpa_rafa Carolina Grilo for taking care of us ☺️ (pic @sergiommonteiro )
8/9 'Gone With the Wind' Interactive light installation at @mar.motto 
#avlive #audiovisualart #newmediaart #artsnumeriques #digitalart #livevisuals
2024 Highlights: 1/2/3 'Red Spectrum' Fulldome version at @eso_supernova planetarium (Munich). Thanks @_luis_calcada for inviting us ☺️ . 4 'Red Spectrum' at Som Riscado (@cineteatrolouletano ) . 5 'Red Spectrum' at @spacefestivalpt. Thank u Nuno and @m.argarida.m (pic @rmtf_) . 6/7 'Red Spectrum' AV Performance premier at thanks @tpiresmagalhaes @grandpa_rafa Carolina Grilo for taking care of us ☺️ (pic @sergiommonteiro ) . 8/9 'Gone With the Wind' Interactive light installation at @mar.motto . #avlive #audiovisualart #newmediaart #artsnumeriques #digitalart #livevisuals
57 0 4 days ago
Some more shots from @borischimp504 AV Live "Red Spectrum" (Dome version), performed at @eso_supernova Planetarium (Munich). Vid 1,2,3 by @_luis_calcada . Vid 4, 5 by @_christinagerg . #fulldome #audiovisuals #liveperformance #livevisuals #generativeart #newmediaart
Some more shots from @borischimp504 AV Live "Red Spectrum" (Dome version), performed at @eso_supernova Planetarium (Munich). Vid 1,2,3 by @_luis_calcada . Vid 4, 5 by @_christinagerg . #fulldome #audiovisuals #liveperformance #livevisuals #generativeart #newmediaart
141 9 13 days ago
Recap from Boris Chimp 504 AV Performance "Red Spectrum" (Dome Version) at @eso_supernova Planetarium.
Thank you @_luis_calcada for inviting us
Footage:Luis Calçada
#avshow #fulldome #vdmx #artsnumeriques #new_media_art #audiovisualart
Recap from Boris Chimp 504 AV Performance "Red Spectrum" (Dome Version) at @eso_supernova Planetarium. . Thank you @_luis_calcada for inviting us Footage:Luis Calçada . #avshow #fulldome #vdmx #artsnumeriques #new_media_art #audiovisualart
49 0 22 days ago
Glimpses from BorisChimp504's AV Performance 'Red Spectrum' last friday at Festival Som Riscado
Thank you to everyone who came to watch us. See you next time !!
#avshow #audiovisualart #creativeappsnet #creativecodeart #new_media_art #vdmx
Glimpses from BorisChimp504's AV Performance 'Red Spectrum' last friday at Festival Som Riscado . Thank you to everyone who came to watch us. See you next time !! . #avshow #audiovisualart #creativeappsnet #creativecodeart #new_media_art #vdmx
95 1 25 days ago
Next stop: SOM RISCADO 🛸
organized by @cineteatrolouletano

22 Nov, 19h, @casaculturaloule.ofic

We'll also be doing a Masterclass for schools at 14h30. ✨

All visuals generated live with @vuoflow + @vidvox
All music performed live with @moogsynthesizers
@dreadbox.synthesizers @arturia_official
@bossinfoglobal @ableton @imaginando_pt

#avlive #avshow #audiovisualart #digitalart #livevisuals #liveperformance #artsnumeriques #vdmx #moog #dreadbox #ableton
Next stop: SOM RISCADO 🛸 organized by @cineteatrolouletano RED SPECTRUM (AV Live) 22 Nov, 19h, @casaculturaloule.ofic We'll also be doing a Masterclass for schools at 14h30. ✨ All visuals generated live with @vuoflow + @vidvox All music performed live with @moogsynthesizers @dreadbox.synthesizers @arturia_official @bossinfoglobal @ableton @imaginando_pt #avlive #avshow #audiovisualart #digitalart #livevisuals #liveperformance #artsnumeriques #vdmx #moog #dreadbox #ableton
20 2 a month ago
Some stills from last Saturday's @borischimp504 AV Live performance at @eso_supernova Planetarium (Munich). It was our first time performing in a dome, and it was amazing & really immersive. 
Thank u to everyone who came to watch us.
A special thank u to @_luis_calcada for inviting us and taking care of us during the weekend.
Video soon
#livevisuals #fulldome #codeart #new_media_art #vuo #vdmx #audiovisualart #digitalart
Some stills from last Saturday's @borischimp504 AV Live performance at @eso_supernova Planetarium (Munich). It was our first time performing in a dome, and it was amazing & really immersive. Thank u to everyone who came to watch us. A special thank u to @_luis_calcada for inviting us and taking care of us during the weekend. . Video soon . #livevisuals #fulldome #codeart #new_media_art #vuo #vdmx #audiovisualart #digitalart
52 7 a month ago
19h30, @eso_supernova , Munich

“Spitzer Space Telescope was an infrared observatory, used to study objects too cold to emit visible light, including exoplanets, brown dwarfs, comets, and asteroids. Despite halting its science operations in January 2020, it has recently and unexpectedly started transmitting... in the red spectrum! Besides this apparent malfunction of the abandoned telescope, it has also been transmitting data of uncanny mechanical structures and unknown bio-organisms.” 

This new Boris Chimp 504’s chapter explores new territories and space dimensions by adding a new color dimension to the monochromatic vision and merging organic and two-dimensional visuals with the usual 3D geometric-hard edges aesthetic. The audiovisual narrative follows up with Boris Chimp 504 voyages through outer space emerging the audiences in space exploration, science and technology themes, merging reality and fiction.

All visuals generated live with @vuoflow + @vidvox
All music performed live with @moogsynthesizers
@dreadbox.synthesizers @arturia_official
@bossinfoglobal @ableton @imaginando_pt

#avlive #avshow #audiovisualart #digitalart #livevisuals #liveperformance #artsnumeriques #vdmx #moog #dreadbox #ableton
TONIGHT! RED SPECTRUM (Dome Version) 19h30, @eso_supernova , Munich “Spitzer Space Telescope was an infrared observatory, used to study objects too cold to emit visible light, including exoplanets, brown dwarfs, comets, and asteroids. Despite halting its science operations in January 2020, it has recently and unexpectedly started transmitting... in the red spectrum! Besides this apparent malfunction of the abandoned telescope, it has also been transmitting data of uncanny mechanical structures and unknown bio-organisms.”  This new Boris Chimp 504’s chapter explores new territories and space dimensions by adding a new color dimension to the monochromatic vision and merging organic and two-dimensional visuals with the usual 3D geometric-hard edges aesthetic. The audiovisual narrative follows up with Boris Chimp 504 voyages through outer space emerging the audiences in space exploration, science and technology themes, merging reality and fiction. All visuals generated live with @vuoflow + @vidvox All music performed live with @moogsynthesizers @dreadbox.synthesizers @arturia_official @bossinfoglobal @ableton @imaginando_pt #avlive #avshow #audiovisualart #digitalart #livevisuals #liveperformance #artsnumeriques #vdmx #moog #dreadbox #ableton
38 6 a month ago
Captures from Boris Chimp 504 AV Live "Red Spectrum" @spacefestivalpt / Montemor-o-Velho
Footage by @___joaoduarte 
Live visuals with @vuoflow @vidvox 
#codeart #artsnumeriques #audiovisualart #livevisuals #liveperformance
Captures from Boris Chimp 504 AV Live "Red Spectrum" @spacefestivalpt / Montemor-o-Velho . Footage by @___joaoduarte . Live visuals with @vuoflow @vidvox #codeart #artsnumeriques #audiovisualart #livevisuals #liveperformance
83 2 a month ago
Glimpses from last Saturday at @spacefestivalpt .
Thanks for having us!
And thank you all who came to watch our show.
Next one: November 16th at @eso_supernova Munich.
Red Spectrum AV Live - Dome version

Pics @rmtf_
#vdmx #artsnumeriques #livevisuals #audiovisualart
Glimpses from last Saturday at @spacefestivalpt . Thanks for having us! And thank you all who came to watch our show. . Next one: November 16th at @eso_supernova Munich. Red Spectrum AV Live - Dome version Pics @rmtf_ . #vdmx #artsnumeriques #livevisuals #audiovisualart
48 0 a month ago
Teatro Esther de Carvalho


📷 @rmtf_

Apoio: República Portuguesa - Cultura / @dg.artes
@borischimp504 Teatro Esther de Carvalho @municipio_montemorovelho 02·11·2024 📷 @rmtf_ Apoio: República Portuguesa - Cultura / @dg.artes
77 3 2 months ago
@borischimp504 são @discossauro_aka_miguelneto (som) e @visiophone_ (visuais), uma dupla audiovisual que explora a relação entre som e imagem, misturando música eletrónica com visuais áudio-reativos gerados em tempo real. Criam viagens imersivas fortemente influenciadas pela ficção científica. Entrada livre. 

Programa completo e reservas em (link na bio).
@borischimp504 são @discossauro_aka_miguelneto (som) e @visiophone_ (visuais), uma dupla audiovisual que explora a relação entre som e imagem, misturando música eletrónica com visuais áudio-reativos gerados em tempo real. Criam viagens imersivas fortemente influenciadas pela ficção científica. Entrada livre. Programa completo e reservas em (link na bio).
121 2 2 months ago
@borischimp504 é uma dupla audiovisual, onde @discossauro_aka_miguelneto (som) e Rodrigo Carvalho (@visiophone_, visuais) criam viagens imersivas, fortemente influenciadas pela ficção científica. Desde 2010, a dupla explora a relação entre som e imagem, misturando música eletrónica com visuais áudio-reativos gerados em tempo real.

𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐦 é um novo capítulo de Boris Chimp 504 que explora novos territórios, adicionando uma nova dimensão de cor à visão monocromática e fundindo visuais orgânicos e bidimensionais com a já habitual estética 3D geométrica. Inspira-se no Telescópio Espacial Spitzer, um observatório infravermelho usado para estudar objetos demasiado frios para emitir luz visível, como exoplanetas, planetas anões castanhos, cometas e asteróides. Apesar de ter encerrado as suas operações científicas em 2020, recentemente e inesperadamente, começou a transmitir no espectro vermelho.

🟡 Teatro Esther de Carvalho · 17:30 · Entrada livre

Apoio: República Portuguesa - Cultura / @dg.artes

📷 @sergiommonteiro
@borischimp504 é uma dupla audiovisual, onde @discossauro_aka_miguelneto (som) e Rodrigo Carvalho (@visiophone_, visuais) criam viagens imersivas, fortemente influenciadas pela ficção científica. Desde 2010, a dupla explora a relação entre som e imagem, misturando música eletrónica com visuais áudio-reativos gerados em tempo real. 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐦 é um novo capítulo de Boris Chimp 504 que explora novos territórios, adicionando uma nova dimensão de cor à visão monocromática e fundindo visuais orgânicos e bidimensionais com a já habitual estética 3D geométrica. Inspira-se no Telescópio Espacial Spitzer, um observatório infravermelho usado para estudar objetos demasiado frios para emitir luz visível, como exoplanetas, planetas anões castanhos, cometas e asteróides. Apesar de ter encerrado as suas operações científicas em 2020, recentemente e inesperadamente, começou a transmitir no espectro vermelho. 🟡 Teatro Esther de Carvalho · 17:30 · Entrada livre Apoio: República Portuguesa - Cultura / @dg.artes 📷 @sergiommonteiro
45 4 2 months ago