EN version
Molotow Budapest graffiti jam
At the end of August, a graffiti jam organized by the shop Molotow Budapest took place, for the second time this year. This time it was held at the famous graffiti zone Filatorigát, around which the famous green-cream HÉV MX train runs, so the audience is never enough. From the invited writers, FORK, MONE, RACRONE, LITTLE MEJO, RAWMAN, SUBER, LEGALHEROES, TIME arrived and UBRUS arrived from the Czech Republic. They were composed not only of invited writers, but also others, so about 40 people painted at different levels of their skills. Of course, there was music, performed by DJ GYöReMiX, and there was also a Mixymo cocktail bus. There was also the Molotow Budapest mobile shop, which supplied the artists with sprays, nozzles and other necessities. There were also Flame Blue & Orange and Molotow Premium sprays, as well as Molotow Burner Chrom. Markers such as Molotow ONE4ALL or Permanent Paint and Dripsticks were not left out.
A lot of passers-by also arrived, local TV and you can watch the photo report below.
Graffiti pits are an important part of the game, where we give the opportunity to meet artists of different generations and levels, where they can enrich each other and create unique works of art.
HU version
Molotow Budapest graffiti jam
Augusztus végén került sor a Molotow Budapest üzlet által szervezett graffiti jamre, idén már második alkalommal. Ezúttal a híres Filatorigát graffitis zónában került megrendezésre, amely körül a HÉV MX vonat fut, így a közönségből sosem elég. A meghívott writerek közül FORK, MONE, RACRONE, LITTLE MEJO, RAWMAN, SUBER, LEGALHEROES, TIME és Csehországból pedig UBRUS vett részt.
Nemcsak meghívott writerek fújtak, hanem mások is, így mintegy 40-en festettek tudásuk különböző szintjén. Természetesen volt zene, DJ GYöReMiX előadásában, és volt egy Mixymo koktélbusz is.
Ott volt a Molotow Budapest mozgóáru is, amely a művészeket látta el spray-kkel, szórófejekkel és egyéb szükségletekkel. Volt még Flame Blue & Orange és Molotow Premium spray, valamint Molotow Burner Chrom is. Az olyan markerek sem maradtak ki, mint a Molotow ONE4ALL vagy a Permanent Paint and Dripstiks.