This Friday
@mmcakorea will host my research seminar, Cyborg Worlds: Rejoicing in the Imperfect Communication of Imperfect Images
There will be a screening of works by artists Sookyun Yang, Suji Han, and Inhwa Yeom, and a presentation of my research during my time as Researcher-in-Residence.
Tracing our evolving relationships to digital spaces from the era of Web 1.0 to Web3, this seminar considers our increasing immersion and fluency when navigating the internet across its successive generations. Despite this fluency, however, as the digital environment aims to approximate the contours of reality, there appear errors, glitches, and gaps in the translation of our lived experiences to their networked equivalents that often evade our capacity to reconcile and comprehend them. Following projects by artists Suji Han, Sookyun Yang, and Inhwa Yeom, this research considers the noise that emerges from these acts of translation from the ‘real’ into the virtual, from 3D to 2D and back, and contemplates what might be communicated in images derived from these imperfect translations.
Sookyun Yang, Data, We Can Meet, 2019
Suji Han, Welcome to Flattened Flat Space, 2018-19
Inhwa Yeom, Chandra X, 2022
“Cyborg politics are the struggle for language and the struggle against perfect communication, against the code that translates all meaning perfectly… cyborg politics insist on noise and advocate pollution, rejoicing in the illegitimate fusions of animal and machine.” Donna Haraway, A Cyborg Manifesto (1985).