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@hoferfilmtage on Instagram have full name is INTERNATIONALE HOFER FILMTAGE. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by hoferfilmtage on Instagram. Read More...


Am 21. Dezember 2024, dem kürzesten Tag des Jahres und kurz vor den Weihnachtstagen, findet der Kurzfilmtag auch wieder in Hof statt. Parallel dazu verleiht die @stadt.hof den Publikums-Kurzfilmpreis 2024 um 17 Uhr @centralkinohof 

Ins Leben gerufen wurde der Kurzfilmtag in Frankreich 2011 als „Le jour le plus court“. Seit 2012 wird er in Deutschland ausgerichtet und von der AG Kurzfilm als Bundesverband Deutscher Kurzfilm koordiniert. Inzwischen sind mehr als 20 teilnehmende Länder dabei, die diesen Tag zu einem internationalen Fest des Kurzfilms machen. 

Der 13. Kurzfilmtag steht unter dem Motto „Banden bilden“: In einer Gesellschaft, in der Spaltung und Intoleranz zunehmen, brauchen wir Zusammenhalt und gegenseitige Unterstützung, um ein Gegengewicht zu setzen.

#hoferfilmtage #homeoffilms #kurzfilm #award #kurzfilmpreis #stadthof #centralkinohof #kono #shortfilm
🎬 KURZFILMTAG IN HOF Am 21. Dezember 2024, dem kürzesten Tag des Jahres und kurz vor den Weihnachtstagen, findet der Kurzfilmtag auch wieder in Hof statt. Parallel dazu verleiht die @stadt.hof den Publikums-Kurzfilmpreis 2024 um 17 Uhr @centralkinohof Ins Leben gerufen wurde der Kurzfilmtag in Frankreich 2011 als „Le jour le plus court“. Seit 2012 wird er in Deutschland ausgerichtet und von der AG Kurzfilm als Bundesverband Deutscher Kurzfilm koordiniert. Inzwischen sind mehr als 20 teilnehmende Länder dabei, die diesen Tag zu einem internationalen Fest des Kurzfilms machen. Der 13. Kurzfilmtag steht unter dem Motto „Banden bilden“: In einer Gesellschaft, in der Spaltung und Intoleranz zunehmen, brauchen wir Zusammenhalt und gegenseitige Unterstützung, um ein Gegengewicht zu setzen. #hoferfilmtage #homeoffilms #kurzfilm #award #kurzfilmpreis #stadthof #centralkinohof #kono #shortfilm
62 0 4 days ago
MUTTER is the Best @galeriehaus Hof

The legendary band MUTTER will perform on Sunday, December 15, 2024, at 8:00 PM at Galeriehaus Hof.

The Berlin rock band MUTTER has been around since 1986 and has released 14 albums since its formation. In 2005, the band was the subject of the documentary WE WERE NEVER HERE, which was featured in the supporting program of the Berlinale.
The current lineup includes Max Müller (vocals, since 1986), Michael Fröhlich (bass, since 2007), and HoFie Florian Koerner von Gustorf (drums, since 1986). Koerner first participated in the 26th Hof International Film Festival in 1992 as the producer of AFTER AN ETERNETIY (NACH EINER EWIGKEIT, directed by Michael Bertl). Admission is €15

#mutterband #maxmüller #michaelfröhlich #floriankoerner #galeriehaus #live #konzert #musik #band #concert
MUTTER is the Best @galeriehaus Hof The legendary band MUTTER will perform on Sunday, December 15, 2024, at 8:00 PM at Galeriehaus Hof. The Berlin rock band MUTTER has been around since 1986 and has released 14 albums since its formation. In 2005, the band was the subject of the documentary WE WERE NEVER HERE, which was featured in the supporting program of the Berlinale. The current lineup includes Max Müller (vocals, since 1986), Michael Fröhlich (bass, since 2007), and HoFie Florian Koerner von Gustorf (drums, since 1986). Koerner first participated in the 26th Hof International Film Festival in 1992 as the producer of AFTER AN ETERNETIY (NACH EINER EWIGKEIT, directed by Michael Bertl). Admission is €15 #mutterband #maxmüller #michaelfröhlich #floriankoerner #galeriehaus #live #konzert #musik #band #concert
43 1 4 days ago
🎬 ISOLATION @klickkino Berlin

There’s a lot happening at Klick Kino Berlin: The anthology documentary ISOLATION will be screened on Sunday, December 15, at 5:30 PM. The film features five episodes, each 
directed by Julia von Heinz, Michele Placido, Olivier Guerpillon, Jaco Van Dormael, and Michael Winterbottom, offering insightful and thoughtful perspectives on the COVID era.
Filmmakers Julia von Heinz and Rosa von Praunheim will be present at the event to discuss the film with the audience.
🎬 ISOLATION @klickkino Berlin There’s a lot happening at Klick Kino Berlin: The anthology documentary ISOLATION will be screened on Sunday, December 15, at 5:30 PM. The film features five episodes, each directed by Julia von Heinz, Michele Placido, Olivier Guerpillon, Jaco Van Dormael, and Michael Winterbottom, offering insightful and thoughtful perspectives on the COVID era. Filmmakers Julia von Heinz and Rosa von Praunheim will be present at the event to discuss the film with the audience.
39 0 4 days ago
🎬 Actress and director Emma Bading is the Film Patron of the Month at @klickkino Berlin. 

That’s more than enough reason for her to present the feature film THE MAN FROM ROME (58th Hof International Film Festival 2024/HIFF – distributed by missingFILMs) by Jaap van Heusden, in which she stars in her first international lead role, on Saturday, December 14, at 8:00 PM.

Before the screening, there’s an opportunity to watch two short films directed by Emma Bading: TABU LA RASA (46th HIFF 2022) and DOMESTICATED, the opening short film of 
the 58th HIFF. Head to Klick Kino in Berlin for the perfect movie night!

@missingfilms_distribution @jaapvanheusden @emmabading_official @michele_rondino @fiction_park @patraspanoufilm @epd_film

#dermannausrom #themanfromrome #jaapvanheusden #emmabading #michelerondino #kinostart #hoferfilmtage #homeoffilms #klickkinoberlin
🎬 Actress and director Emma Bading is the Film Patron of the Month at @klickkino Berlin. That’s more than enough reason for her to present the feature film THE MAN FROM ROME (58th Hof International Film Festival 2024/HIFF – distributed by missingFILMs) by Jaap van Heusden, in which she stars in her first international lead role, on Saturday, December 14, at 8:00 PM. Before the screening, there’s an opportunity to watch two short films directed by Emma Bading: TABU LA RASA (46th HIFF 2022) and DOMESTICATED, the opening short film of the 58th HIFF. Head to Klick Kino in Berlin for the perfect movie night! @missingfilms_distribution @jaapvanheusden @emmabading_official @michele_rondino @fiction_park @patraspanoufilm @epd_film #dermannausrom #themanfromrome #jaapvanheusden #emmabading #michelerondino #kinostart #hoferfilmtage #homeoffilms #klickkinoberlin
185 3 5 days ago
🎬 Screening of ROHBAU with Q&A in Dachau

On Friday, December 6, 2024, at 8:00 PM, the award-winning film RAW MATERIALS (recipient of the German Cinema New Talent Award at the 57th Hof International Film Festival 2023/HIFF – distributed by missingFILMs) from Tuna Kaptan 
will open the Neues Wanderkino weekend at the KKD in Dachau (tickets here). Prior to the screening, Antonia Lindner’s short film THE APPLICATION will be shown. Director 
Tuna Kaptan will be present for a Q&A session, moderated by @thorstenschaumann, Artistic Director of the HIFF.
Additional screenings at the KKD will take place on Saturday, December 7, and Sunday, December 8, 2024. The event is organized by tollhaus dachau e.V.


#hoferfilmtage #homeoffilms #filmfestival #rohbau #cinemq #screening #dachau #movie #film #rohbau #neuesdeutscheskino
🎬 Screening of ROHBAU with Q&A in Dachau On Friday, December 6, 2024, at 8:00 PM, the award-winning film RAW MATERIALS (recipient of the German Cinema New Talent Award at the 57th Hof International Film Festival 2023/HIFF – distributed by missingFILMs) from Tuna Kaptan will open the Neues Wanderkino weekend at the KKD in Dachau (tickets here). Prior to the screening, Antonia Lindner’s short film THE APPLICATION will be shown. Director Tuna Kaptan will be present for a Q&A session, moderated by @thorstenschaumann, Artistic Director of the HIFF. Additional screenings at the KKD will take place on Saturday, December 7, and Sunday, December 8, 2024. The event is organized by tollhaus dachau e.V. @tollhauspresident @tunakaptan_dk @missingfilms_distribution #hoferfilmtage #homeoffilms #filmfestival #rohbau #cinemq #screening #dachau #movie #film #rohbau #neuesdeutscheskino
40 0 15 days ago
🎬 On Wednesday, November 27, 2024 RABIA – THE LOST DREAM, the much-discussed debut feature film by Mareike Engelhardt from the 58th Hof International Film Festival, 
will premiere in cinemas in France through Memento Distribution.

Driven by the promises of a new life, the 19-year-old Frenchwoman Jessica travels to Syria to join the Islamic State. Upon arriving in Raqqa, she is taken into a house for future 
wives of fighters and quickly finds herself a prisoner of Madame, the charismatic leader who runs the house with an iron fist. Based on true events.

„A film that gets under your skin... As relentless as it is unflinching.“ (Le Point)

The release in Germany will Thursday, January 23, 2025 distributed by Alpenrepublik.


#hoferfilmtage #homeoffilms #filmfestival #cinema
🎬 On Wednesday, November 27, 2024 RABIA – THE LOST DREAM, the much-discussed debut feature film by Mareike Engelhardt from the 58th Hof International Film Festival, will premiere in cinemas in France through Memento Distribution. Driven by the promises of a new life, the 19-year-old Frenchwoman Jessica travels to Syria to join the Islamic State. Upon arriving in Raqqa, she is taken into a house for future wives of fighters and quickly finds herself a prisoner of Madame, the charismatic leader who runs the house with an iron fist. Based on true events. „A film that gets under your skin... As relentless as it is unflinching.“ (Le Point) The release in Germany will Thursday, January 23, 2025 distributed by Alpenrepublik. @mareike_engelhardt #hoferfilmtage #homeoffilms #filmfestival #cinema
84 0 21 days ago
On Wednesday, 27 November 2024, at 7:30 pm, the HoF Filmtage Rendezvous will take place at the KoKi cinema Hanover, featuring a surprise film „fresh from the fest.“

The event will showcase the Friedrich Baur Gold Award-winning feature film SCATTERED SUNSHINE/VEREINZELT SONNE (58th Hof International Film Festival/HoF IFF) by Lucas Dülligen. Joining Wiebke and Johannes Thomsen, the leadership duo of KoKi, as guests will be the director himself and Thorsten Schaumann, HoF IFF’s Artistic Director.  @koki_hannover @freunde_der_hofer_filmtage @kunsthochschulefuermedien @thorstenschaumann #badsk_muenchen #vereinzeltsonne #scatteredsunshine #friedricbaurstiftung #friedrichbaurgoldpreis
On Wednesday, 27 November 2024, at 7:30 pm, the HoF Filmtage Rendezvous will take place at the KoKi cinema Hanover, featuring a surprise film „fresh from the fest.“ The event will showcase the Friedrich Baur Gold Award-winning feature film SCATTERED SUNSHINE/VEREINZELT SONNE (58th Hof International Film Festival/HoF IFF) by Lucas Dülligen. Joining Wiebke and Johannes Thomsen, the leadership duo of KoKi, as guests will be the director himself and Thorsten Schaumann, HoF IFF’s Artistic Director. @koki_hannover @freunde_der_hofer_filmtage @kunsthochschulefuermedien @thorstenschaumann #badsk_muenchen #vereinzeltsonne #scatteredsunshine #friedricbaurstiftung #friedrichbaurgoldpreis
94 2 22 days ago
Kinopremiere. ISOLATION - MEINE VÄTER - TWO FATHERS ist mein persönlichster Film. 
Ich habe meinen Vater nicht wirklich gemocht aber sehr geliebt.
Wie sehr, verstand ich erst nach seinem plötzlichen Tod und bei der Umsetzung dieses Kurzfilmes.
Zwischen ihm und seiner Familie stand eine homophobe Gesellschaft, die ihn in ein Doppelleben zwang.
Umso schöner, dass ich einen anderen Vater fand, der ganz das Gegenteil verkörpert @rosa_von_praunheim 
Ich danke @giornatedegliautori , die Isolation zur @labiennale 2021 holten, wo wir den Inclusion Award gewannen. Den @hoferfilmtage . Dem @fffbayern für die Förderung und @mazepictures, Phillip Kreuzer. Immer den @7elephantsfilm und vorallem den vier Regisseuren, Michele Placido, Jaco von Dormael, Olivier Guerpillon und Michael
Winterbottom, deren Episoden nicht weniger sehenswert sind.
Noch wollen wir nicht so gerne zurück in diese furchtbare Pandemie-Zeit schauen, aber hier lohnt es sich.
Kommt am 1. Advent ins Neue Rottmann, wo ich den Film vorstelle, moderiert von @thorstenschaumann und am 15.12. ins @klickkino , wo @rosa_von_praunheim und ich gemeinsam zur Filmvorstellung dort sind.
Und weil es am 1. Advent ist zwei Bilder von zwei Weihnachten aus dem Familienalbum 1983 und 2013 so unterschiedlich wie die Väter, die darauf zu sehen sind. 
#pride #queerpride #fffgefördert #venice78
#queercinema #lgbtqcinema
Kinopremiere. ISOLATION - MEINE VÄTER - TWO FATHERS ist mein persönlichster Film. Ich habe meinen Vater nicht wirklich gemocht aber sehr geliebt. Wie sehr, verstand ich erst nach seinem plötzlichen Tod und bei der Umsetzung dieses Kurzfilmes. Zwischen ihm und seiner Familie stand eine homophobe Gesellschaft, die ihn in ein Doppelleben zwang. Umso schöner, dass ich einen anderen Vater fand, der ganz das Gegenteil verkörpert @rosa_von_praunheim Ich danke @giornatedegliautori , die Isolation zur @labiennale 2021 holten, wo wir den Inclusion Award gewannen. Den @hoferfilmtage . Dem @fffbayern für die Förderung und @mazepictures, Phillip Kreuzer. Immer den @7elephantsfilm und vorallem den vier Regisseuren, Michele Placido, Jaco von Dormael, Olivier Guerpillon und Michael Winterbottom, deren Episoden nicht weniger sehenswert sind. Noch wollen wir nicht so gerne zurück in diese furchtbare Pandemie-Zeit schauen, aber hier lohnt es sich. Kommt am 1. Advent ins Neue Rottmann, wo ich den Film vorstelle, moderiert von @thorstenschaumann und am 15.12. ins @klickkino , wo @rosa_von_praunheim und ich gemeinsam zur Filmvorstellung dort sind. Und weil es am 1. Advent ist zwei Bilder von zwei Weihnachten aus dem Familienalbum 1983 und 2013 so unterschiedlich wie die Väter, die darauf zu sehen sind. #pride #queerpride #fffgefördert #venice78 #GiornateDegliAutori #queercinema #lgbtqcinema
260 7 25 days ago
🎬 ARTE FilmFestival

Until Monday, November 25, 2024, our Hof International Film Festival partner @arte.tv is presenting a new edition of its film festival. For the seventh time, the audience can enjoy 
the latest cinema co-productions as German premieres over the course of one week. 

These are exclusively award-winning European and international auteur films that premiered at festivals in Cannes, Venice, and Berlin.

#arte #filmfestival #hoferfilmtage #homeoffilms
🎬 ARTE FilmFestival Until Monday, November 25, 2024, our Hof International Film Festival partner @arte.tv is presenting a new edition of its film festival. For the seventh time, the audience can enjoy the latest cinema co-productions as German premieres over the course of one week. These are exclusively award-winning European and international auteur films that premiered at festivals in Cannes, Venice, and Berlin. #arte #filmfestival #hoferfilmtage #homeoffilms
74 1 25 days ago
🎬 Kasseler Documentary and Video Fest online

Already Saturday, 16.11.2024 the award ceremony at the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Fest took place. 

The Artistic Director from the Hof International Film Festival 
(HIFF) Thorsten Schaumann was part of the jury for the ‘Golden Key’ that took the following decisions:

• Best Short Film: EL REINANDO DE ANTOINE by José Luis Jiménez Gómez.

• Best Feature-Length Film: TRANS MEMORIA by Victoria Verseau (58th Hof International Film Festival 2024/HIFF), with an Honorable Mention for NAHNOU FIL DAKHIL by Farah Kassem.

• All awards here.
Reuniting with HoFies Lucas Dülligen (Friedrich Baur Gold Award winner for SCATTERED SUNSHINE and HANG AM BAUM in Kassel), Angela Christlieb (PANDORA’S LEGACY), and JakobGehrmann (cinematography for SEXPLORATION), all 
58th HIFF, was fantastic. You can still go on a discovery journey with DokfestOnline Streams until Sunday, November 24, 2024.

🎬 Kasseler Documentary and Video Fest online Already Saturday, 16.11.2024 the award ceremony at the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Fest took place. The Artistic Director from the Hof International Film Festival (HIFF) Thorsten Schaumann was part of the jury for the ‘Golden Key’ that took the following decisions: • Best Short Film: EL REINANDO DE ANTOINE by José Luis Jiménez Gómez. • Best Feature-Length Film: TRANS MEMORIA by Victoria Verseau (58th Hof International Film Festival 2024/HIFF), with an Honorable Mention for NAHNOU FIL DAKHIL by Farah Kassem. • All awards here. Reuniting with HoFies Lucas Dülligen (Friedrich Baur Gold Award winner for SCATTERED SUNSHINE and HANG AM BAUM in Kassel), Angela Christlieb (PANDORA’S LEGACY), and JakobGehrmann (cinematography for SEXPLORATION), all 58th HIFF, was fantastic. You can still go on a discovery journey with DokfestOnline Streams until Sunday, November 24, 2024. @kasselerdokfest #hoferfilmtage #homeoffilms #filmfestival #goldenkey #goldenerschlüssel #aaangelfilm #vereinzeltsonne #scatteredsun #jakobgehrmann
33 0 a month ago
✨ German Short Film Award
Goes to FIRE DRILL by @maximilianvillwock

On Thursday, November 21, 2024, the German Short Film Award was presented in Hamburg. It is the most prestigious and highest endowed award for short films in Germany. During the award ceremony, which once again took place at Hamburg’s 
cultural venue Kampnagel, films in six categories were honored.
The 2024 German Short Film Award in the category „Narrative Film Longer than 10 Minutes and up to 30 Minutes“ was awarded to FIRE DRILL by Maximilian Villwock, which had its world premiere at the 58th Hof International Film Festival.
Congratulations to Maximilian Villwock and his team on this outstanding achievement!

@kurzfilmpreis @agkurzfilm

#homeoffilms #filmfestival #kurzfilm #hoferfilmtage #firedrill #award #winner #kurzfilmpreis
✨ German Short Film Award Goes to FIRE DRILL by @maximilianvillwock On Thursday, November 21, 2024, the German Short Film Award was presented in Hamburg. It is the most prestigious and highest endowed award for short films in Germany. During the award ceremony, which once again took place at Hamburg’s cultural venue Kampnagel, films in six categories were honored. The 2024 German Short Film Award in the category „Narrative Film Longer than 10 Minutes and up to 30 Minutes“ was awarded to FIRE DRILL by Maximilian Villwock, which had its world premiere at the 58th Hof International Film Festival. Congratulations to Maximilian Villwock and his team on this outstanding achievement! @kurzfilmpreis @agkurzfilm #homeoffilms #filmfestival #kurzfilm #hoferfilmtage #firedrill #award #winner #kurzfilmpreis
72 2 a month ago
🎬 @franzfilm.leipzig

Currently underway are the French Film Festival Leipzig, running from Wednesday, November 20 to Wednesday, November 27, 2024. 

Representing the 58th HIFF are RABIA (directed by Mareike Engelhardt/distributor Alpenrepublik) and LES FEMMES 
AU BALCON (distributed by Progress Film) by Noémie Merlant. 

During the French Film Festival from Thursday, November 21 to Wednesday, November 27, 2024 explores around 20 films of various genres in Berlin cinemas and across Germany. Also featured is RABIA.

#rabiafilm #mareike_engelhardt #alpenrepublikverleih #noemiemerlant #frenchfilm #französischerfilm #hoferfilmtage #homeoffilms #filmfestival
🎬 @franzfilm.leipzig Currently underway are the French Film Festival Leipzig, running from Wednesday, November 20 to Wednesday, November 27, 2024. Representing the 58th HIFF are RABIA (directed by Mareike Engelhardt/distributor Alpenrepublik) and LES FEMMES AU BALCON (distributed by Progress Film) by Noémie Merlant. During the French Film Festival from Thursday, November 21 to Wednesday, November 27, 2024 explores around 20 films of various genres in Berlin cinemas and across Germany. Also featured is RABIA. #rabiafilm #mareike_engelhardt #alpenrepublikverleih #noemiemerlant #frenchfilm #französischerfilm #hoferfilmtage #homeoffilms #filmfestival
11 0 a month ago