@jimmy_thegrip on Instagram have full name is Jim Kernjak | Jimmy the Grip. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by jimmy_thegrip on Instagram. Read More...
Die Technik wird ausschließlich von Fachpersonal gewartet.;)
#jimmythegrip #gripdaddy #daddylife #griplife #gripology #lovemyjob #daddysboy💙 #gripthatshit #keygriplife #keygrip #cartonilambdahead #cartonilambda25 #pantherclassicplus #pantherfilmequipment
All helping hands are welcome.
#griplife #gripbaby #sonofagrip #babylove
50 0 3 years ago
Last year, I started my biggest project.
Welcome to this world you little son of a...... GRIP!
#2021 #griplife #gripdad #dad #daddy #dadlife #dad #filmlife #dadtime #dadworld #workingdad
123 9 3 years ago
Little throwback #2021.
It was a pleasure to work with a lot of wonderful people and great projects with me as keygrip.
#throwback #grip #keygrip #gripology #dollygrip #lovemyjob #cinegrip #griprigs #gripthatshit #remotehead #shotmaker #bts #gripdepartment #gripcrew #cinematography
80 1 3 years ago
Some testing the prototype wheels by @tausendsassafilm
#lovemyjob #anotheroffice #crewlove #keygrip #movietech_filmequipment #movietech #techporn #djironin2 #nissannavara #cameracrane #wheels