Hello! If you’re in London I’d like to invite you to Desenho, opening next Wednesday at
@eyetopencil , a place, (perhaps more than a place? a small but warm and welcoming hug in the shape of a room? and in that sense a big hug?), as I was saying, a place I hold very dearly in my head.
I’ve always felt not only welcomed, but excitingly bitten by a contagious mysterious sparkling dust of this immense passion for drawing and everything it can do whenever I stepped into this room. I hope that makes sense. All I’m saying is you couldn’t not feel enamored by drawing whenever you were in this room. All its magic, mystery, ambiguity, usefulness, uselessness, silliness, joy, sadness, intangibility, clarity. Drawing! I love drawing. I know I must sound silly.
Luci, who runs Eye to Pencil with immense creativity, energy and generosity, very kindly invited me to participate in their Autumn programme, titled ‘The Studio as a Lab’. I immediately thought of inviting Nuno to curate an exhibition in the space. If we’ve ever talked about art in general, I’ve probably mentioned Nuno’s work to you, and how inspiring it is to visit his studio, where paper becomes a tree again, people are made of dates and flowers and beans and birds are solid yet surround you and fly through you. The whole studio feels like a poem, where drawings are the words. So I invited him and he invited other artists, some of them who I already admired, others who I was so glad to find for the first time through him. An invitation sparking an invitation sparking invitations.
I’m getting very long here, but I’ll try to say what matters: I’d really like to invite you to come and see and spend time with these artists’ works in the flesh. They are:
Rita Anuar, Teresa Arega, Elsa Basto, Beatriz Bentes, Chikki Chikki, Claudia Cid, Filipa Cordeiro, Mafalda Costa, Guilherme Figueiredo, Nuno Gonçalves, Sara Fonseca da Graça, Sara Graça, Arjjila, Ana Maçã, Eva Magalhães, Marjorie, Matilde Martins, Natacha Martins, Saphira Nancy, Ana Salomé Paiva, Catarina Real, Tiago de Sá, Sreya, Mariana Tilly, Sara Tralha and Felix Vong and I couldn’t feel happier (I got so long I ran out of space! I’ll continue in the comments)