lorenzoragionieriInstagram Profile



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@lorenzoragionieri on Instagram have full name is Lorenzo. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by lorenzoragionieri on Instagram. Read More...

Layers, Jerry. LAYERS! 📸: @maggieholladay__
Layers, Jerry. LAYERS! 📸: @maggieholladay__
3 20 3 years ago
Waiting for croissants is serious business.
Waiting for croissants is serious business.
3 24 3 years ago
173 9 7 years ago
2D trailer of OPEN HEARTS, directed by @antontammi and produced by @cadencefilms for Apple and @theweeknd. 3D film is in Vision Pros and Apple Stores Thursday.

Beast of a job, go catch it in 👓. Congrats to Anton and our entire Cadence team and @stinemoisen. Over 20 days of tech scouting, testing, team integrations, stunt rehearsals, pre-lights, and shoot days alone, with five months of prep, and 5 months of post by @method_studios, and @cadencefilms and @brainwashedpictures with post Creative Direction by Anton

Thank you: @antontammi @theweeknd @mirandalorenz @erikolovhenriksson @jeffsommar @ahliche @lamarctaylor, Donshá, Sinead, Colin, Bennett, and so many others at Apple, @ayodeji.io, @aksu, @0815.jpg and hundreds of others.

2D trailer of OPEN HEARTS, directed by @antontammi and produced by @cadencefilms for Apple and @theweeknd. 3D film is in Vision Pros and Apple Stores Thursday. Beast of a job, go catch it in 👓. Congrats to Anton and our entire Cadence team and @stinemoisen. Over 20 days of tech scouting, testing, team integrations, stunt rehearsals, pre-lights, and shoot days alone, with five months of prep, and 5 months of post by @method_studios, and @cadencefilms and @brainwashedpictures with post Creative Direction by Anton Thank you: @antontammi @theweeknd @mirandalorenz @erikolovhenriksson @jeffsommar @ahliche @lamarctaylor, Donshá, Sinead, Colin, Bennett, and so many others at Apple, @ayodeji.io, @aksu, @0815.jpg and hundreds of others. #CADENCEFILMS
3 6 a month ago
GLOSSIER YOU REVE I Directed by @mitchryan I Produced by @cadencefilms
Thank you to our friends @glossier.

Cadence Films:
Director @mitchryan
Co-Founder I EP: @lorenzoragionieri
HOP I EP: @jeffsommar
DP Sean Price Williams
Line Producer @serienotsiri
PM @annablundell

Devon Lee Carlson @devonleecarlson
Sydney Lynn Carlson @sydneylynncarlson

Makeup - Janessa Pare @janessapare, Marcelo Gutierrez @marcelogutierrez
Hair - Evanie Frausto @evaniefrausto
Wardrobe Stylist - Jasmine Hassett @jasminehassett
Manicure - Naomi Yasuda @naominailsnyc, Natalie Pavloski @nataliepnails
Set Design - David de Quevedo @daviddequevedo, Mat Cullen @matcullen
Music - Taul Katz @__tool__
Video Edit - Wild Island Films @wildislandfilms

Glossier Creative:
Marie Suter @marie_suter
Isioma Iyamah @isioma.i
Madeleine Marie Angus @madeleinemmarie
Josh Helman @josh_helman
Taylor Tindall @taylortindall
Paige Hanserd @mustarrrrd
Farah Markis @farahmarkis

Glossier Production:
Aaron Kurlander @aaronkurlander
Lizzy Freedman @fizzzlyly
GLOSSIER YOU REVE I Directed by @mitchryan I Produced by @cadencefilms Thank you to our friends @glossier. Cadence Films: Director @mitchryan Co-Founder I EP: @lorenzoragionieri HOP I EP: @jeffsommar DP Sean Price Williams Line Producer @serienotsiri PM @annablundell Talent: Devon Lee Carlson @devonleecarlson Sydney Lynn Carlson @sydneylynncarlson Makeup - Janessa Pare @janessapare, Marcelo Gutierrez @marcelogutierrez Hair - Evanie Frausto @evaniefrausto Wardrobe Stylist - Jasmine Hassett @jasminehassett Manicure - Naomi Yasuda @naominailsnyc, Natalie Pavloski @nataliepnails Set Design - David de Quevedo @daviddequevedo, Mat Cullen @matcullen Music - Taul Katz @__tool__ Video Edit - Wild Island Films @wildislandfilms Glossier Creative: Marie Suter @marie_suter Isioma Iyamah @isioma.i Madeleine Marie Angus @madeleinemmarie Josh Helman @josh_helman Taylor Tindall @taylortindall Paige Hanserd @mustarrrrd Farah Markis @farahmarkis Glossier Production: Aaron Kurlander @aaronkurlander Lizzy Freedman @fizzzlyly
3 17 2 months ago
2nd half of The Weeknd project for @apple. Thanks Anton for the journey. 
🔗 bio.

2nd half of The Weeknd project for @apple. Thanks Anton for the journey. 🔗 bio. @antontammi @cadencefilms
3 3 3 months ago
Apple introduces the new iPhone16 with a Weeknd music video directed by ANTON TAMMI and produced by CADENCE.

Thank you @antontammi and @stinemoisen and…

prod @cadencefilms 
hop/ep @jeffsommar
dp @erikolovhenriksson
pd @mirandalorenz
director team @ahliche @ayodeji.io 
edit @andreas.h.johannessen @trimediting @antontammi 
vfx @monumental_fx 
color @joakimriss 
sound @aksoi
titles @aleksitammi

…many others. Link in bio.
Apple introduces the new iPhone16 with a Weeknd music video directed by ANTON TAMMI and produced by CADENCE. Thank you @antontammi and @stinemoisen and… prod @cadencefilms hop/ep @jeffsommar dp @erikolovhenriksson pd @mirandalorenz director team @ahliche @ayodeji.io edit @andreas.h.johannessen @trimediting @antontammi vfx @monumental_fx color @joakimriss sound @aksoi titles @aleksitammi …many others. Link in bio.
3 18 3 months ago
3 13 9 months ago
Kicking off the year with a real monster in this thing of ours, @antontammi.

Kicking off the year with a real monster in this thing of ours, @antontammi. Welcome ANTON TAMMI x CADENCE.
3 13 a year ago
Looking back on a great weekend with Lillian’s hair. @lillians_hair_
Looking back on a great weekend with Lillian’s hair. @lillians_hair_
3 1 a year ago
'Firsts Together', a throwback to golden era Nike. 

Director: @mitchryan
Produced by @cadencefilms 
Agency: Soursop
Barcelona Service: @twentyfourseven
Editor: @dylanj_edwards @cabinedit
DP: @bennncareyyy
Sound: @nikolayantonov_
Color: @ethos_studio, @nicklw
Finishing: CabinFX
'Firsts Together', a throwback to golden era Nike. MITCH RYAN x CADENCE Director: @mitchryan Produced by @cadencefilms Agency: Soursop Barcelona Service: @twentyfourseven Editor: @dylanj_edwards @cabinedit DP: @bennncareyyy Sound: @nikolayantonov_ Color: @ethos_studio, @nicklw Finishing: CabinFX
3 8 a year ago