@martinapuigvert on Instagram have full name is Martina Puigvert Puigdevall. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by martinapuigvert on Instagram. Read More...
We spent an exciting moment with the Young Chef Award winner, chef @martinapuigvert from the 2 Stars and Green Star restaurant @lescols_finapuigdevall after the MICHELIN Guide Ceremony Spain 2024. She shared with us the motivation she received after obtaining this special award and her vision on her family restaurant.
Our Inspector’s point of view: Ably assisted by her three daughters (Clara, Martina and Carlota) and her husband Manuel Puigvert, chef Fina Puigdevall builds her creativity around seasonality, sustainability (the family has its own vegetable garden which can be visited at the Casa Horitzó R&D centre in the Vall de Bianya) and the use of produce from the volcanic region of La Garrotxa – they are also staunch advocates of the “food that hasn‘t travelled” concept. Today, the old family farm is a building with a remarkably cutting-edge interior design that revolves around a relationship between the dining spaces and nature. This is especially noticeable in the events pavilion, which is visually ethereal and where hens roam freely! Two tasting menus are available here: Naturaleza Viva & Mística (Living and Mystical Nature) and Horizonte Verde & Sostenible (Green & Sustainable Horizon).
Find out the whole restaurant selection for Spain on the MICHELIN Guide website and app 📱
#GuiaMICHELINESP #MICHELINStar24 #YoungChefAward #MICHELINrestaurants #TwoMICHELINStars #restaurant #chef #gastronomy
The intimacy of a landscape. The immutable cycle of the seasons…
"This whole setting should favour a cuisine that reflects the rural landscape and the seasonality of the Garrotxa region; simple yet essential; austere and humble yet intuitive, intimate and authentic. A cuisine that must reflect our way of life.
From here, but with the ability to open itself up to the world, hoping to achieve something universal through a wholly intimate space. The splendour of nature. The richness of life.” @lescols_finapuigdevall
📍 @lescols_finapuigdevall #olot #spain
🎥 @foodrebelx
#thebest 🔪🔪🔪
#worldclass 🔪🔪
#excellent 🔪
3.6K 31 8 days ago
Gràcies per escollir-nos per celebrar el vostre dia amb nosaltres. Ens encanta formar-ne part 🤍
Gracias por elegirnos para celebrar vuestro día con nosotros. Nos encanta formar parte🤍
Thank you for choosing us to share your special day with us. We love to be part of it 🤍
Merci de nous choisir pour fêter votre jour spécial. Nous sommes ravis d’en faire partie 🤍
#lescols #lescolsrestaurant #lescolsevents #lescolscelebracions #FinaPuigdevall #2estrellasmichelin #wedding #catering #event #weddingday #bodas #event #casaments #weddingparty #weddingdecor #weddingphoto #weddinginspiration #love
242 5 11 days ago
Cuinem el caviar de la Garrotxa; fesols de Santa Pau –d.o.p-
@tv3 #TotEsMou ✨
t’estimo àvia 🫂❤️
⭐️⭐️ 🍀 ♥️
Gracias @michelinguide un año más por este reconocimiento. Muy contentos de haber renovado las dos Estrellas Michelin y la Estrella Verde. Desde #LesColsRestaurant queremos agradecer a todas aquellas personas que hacéis posible este proyecto y dais sentido a este sueño.
Gràcies @michelinguide un any més per aquest reconeixement. Molt contents d’haver renovat les dues Estrelles Michelin i l’Estrella Verda. Des de #LesColsRestaurant volem agrair a totes aquelles persones que feu possible aquest projecte i doneu sentit a aquest somni.
Thank you @michelinguide one more year for this recognition. Very happy to have renewed the two Michelin Stars and the Green Star. From #LesColsRestaurant we wish to thank all the people who make possible this project and give meaning to this dream.
Merci @michelinguide pour cette reconnaissance un an de plus. Très contents d’avoir renouvelé nos deux Étoiles Michelin et l’Étoile Verte. #LesColsRestaurant, veut remercier à tous ceux qui font possible ce projet et donnent du sens à ce rêve.
@michelinespana@michelinguide #MICHELINSTAR25 #GUIAMICHELINESP #GuiaMichelin #MichelinGuide #2EstrellasMichelin #EstrellaVerde #LesColsRestaurant
1.8K 52 22 days ago
La natura com a ofrena;
carxofa i la seva flor
La naturaleza como ofrenda;
alcachofa y su flor
The nature as an offering;
artichoke and its flower
La nature comme offrande;
artichaut et sa fleur
244 2 25 days ago
una mirada contemplativa a Casa Horitzó - I+D Hort Les Cols restraurant
131 5 25 days ago
criat per nosaltres;
ànec amb peres,
tatin, chantilly de pera, gla
cocinado como una tatin;
pato con peras,
tatin, chantilly de pera, bellota
bred by us;
duck with pears,
tatin, pear chantilly, acorn
élevé chez nous;
canard aux poires,
tatin, chantilly à la poire, gland