Last year I had to make a video for
@ecoleagnesvarda as part of my term project. A 5-minute video that illustrates a text that is important to us.
I arrived in Brussels a few years ago and for me the capital of Europe lacked politicisation, which is quite paradoxical. I didn't see people standing up, taking to the streets, protesting for what they believe is right or against what is wrong.
It's been a year now that I see people taking to the streets, taking back the power, because the power is the people. We need more action, more representation of direct democracy, saying no to injustice, to tyranny, to imperialism, to racism, to XXXphobia, to crimes against humanity, to sexism, to police violence, to this world that puts the powerful above those who have less.
For a few years now I've been proud to see protests every week, strong words written on walls, and people standing up to authority.
I know this project isn't perfect, but this is how I see my daily life, my new home, my surroundings, and I like it.
#agnesvarda #bruxelles #brussels #politics #allpowertothepeople #protest #film #videography #schoolproject #notowar #peace