@mojomojomojo_ on Instagram have full name is Mojo. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by mojomojomojo_ on Instagram. Read More...
Photo dump vol: Prague, it’s been a bumpy ride to say the least. More often than not, we didn’t really see eye to eye. And that’s ok, not everyone needs to be best friends. But you also gave me a safe environment to grow up in as kid, gave me my first loves and heart breaks, incredible friendships and wild ass memories. Even more so, you gave me opportunities to grow. You definitely didn’t spare on those, you old bastard, and for that I am also grateful.
I wish you only the best going forward and Im sure that after some time passes by, we both will be able to appreciate more what we gave to each other. Until then, so long.
82 3 3 months ago
@mojomojomojo_ má skvělej příběh o tom jak se mu povedlo zbavit bolestí za pomocí Goaty. 🐆
Pokud tě to zaujalo, tak na youtube najdeš celý rozhovor a Mojašův posudek. 🔥
Kompletní video najdeš na našem youtube kanále. Odkaz je v Biu. 🙃
Za práci s kamerou a střihem big shout out to one and only @tuckintheglock710
#movement #and #therapy #functional #vs #unfunctional #ancestral #wisdom #humanevolution #durability #trainsmart #movesmarter #humanblueprint #locomotion #wavesandspirals #goata #woata #forwardmovement #poweredbygoata #thisisreal
103 3 3 months ago
Náš první video posudek s @mojomojomojo_ který byl 2 roky v procesu s M&T. Snažili jsme se zvrátit katastrofální stav jeho těla za pomocí GOATY. Jak to dopadlo? Zítra bude celé video na youtube.🙃
Moc děkujeme @mojomojomojo_ za důvěru a trpělivost a zároveň ti gratulujeme kámo. You made it bro.🐐
#movement #and #therapy #functional #vs #unfunctional #ancestral #wisdom #humanevolution #durability #trainsmart #movesmarter #humanblueprint #locomotion #wavesandspirals #goata #woata #forwardmovement #poweredbygoata #thisisreal
318 6 3 months ago
Photo dump vol: “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed.”
74 6 3 months ago
Photo dump vol.: hot summer days in Berlin
54 4 5 months ago
Another one.. Bits of Ericeira and bits from the new home
34 3 6 months ago
Photo dump from the recent tour through the Germany. 11 days, incredible crew, bizzare places, tight bonds forged :) thanks for the experience, it was unforgettable!
50 1 6 months ago
Some blurry memories with my favorite peeps vol.2
65 3 a year ago
Some blurry memories with my favorite peeps vol. 1
106 2 a year ago
Just another photodump, this time from the 1st Boycott gathering almost a year ago 🥹 amaizing food experience that didn’t make it to a single photo provided by @markochef24 🤍👨🏻🍳