@pennylovellstylist on Instagram have full name is Penny Lovell. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by pennylovellstylist on Instagram. Read More...
My debut novel!!! Flip through the deck for a small selection of the quotes that illustrate each chapter and details of where to purchase…🌟
#independentbooks #supportsmallbusiness
#bookstagram #books #nda
3 7 6 days ago
Take number 23. I am shit at doing videos and awfully (woefully) British about promoting my (independent) work. Sigh. Anyway linktree above has all the places one may purchase the stocking stuffer or DM for signed copies (in US). 🎄
#independentbooks #supportsmallbusiness
#bookstagram #books #nda
3 3 8 days ago
“Life ain’t worth a damn until you can say, hey world, I am what I am.” 🎯@theharveyfierstein 🙌🏼🩷
Repost from @philclifton
this whole interview is spectacular, second part (my fav) speaking the lyrics is just 🤌🤌. (Part one via x - mynameisjro)
#harveyfierstein #lgbthistory #gayhistory #gayrights #lgbtrights
RP @theprogressivists@iamjolorenz
We taught an entire generation of kids to hide from death between math and recess — and now we’re clutching our profit margins because they don’t shed tears over a healthcare executive who denied coverage to cancer patients while pocketing millions?
Since Columbine in 1999, the United States has had more than 400 school shootings. By 2019, 95% of public schools ran active shooter drills. More than 390,000 students have experienced gun violence at school — that’s roughly the population of Pittsburgh walking around with invisible scars.
The frequency? In 1999, these drills happened maybe once a year. By 2016, nearly 40% of schools were running them monthly. Some elementary schools now drill weekly — five-year-olds learning to be quiet as mice so “the bad man won’t find them” before they’ve even learned to tie their shoes.
Studies show these drills trigger severe anxiety, depression, and PTSD-like symptoms. Teachers report kids wetting themselves during drills, having panic attacks, and writing goodbye letters to their parents — *in elementary school*. Some kids now show the same clinical stress markers as combat veterans. Again, *in elementary school*.
And now these traumatized kids have grown up. They’re in their twenties and thirties, working jobs, paying taxes, and watching healthcare executives use AI algorithms to deny coverage to cancer patients while pocketing multi-million dollar bonuses.
The same generation that learned to text “I love you, goodbye” from under their desks is now being asked to feel shocked when someone responds to systematic corporate violence with reciprocal violence? Make it make sense between all the corporate wellness seminars and gun-prevention sponsored kale smoothies.
This is the world we enabled. When we raise a generation in the shadow of gun violence, we can’t be surprised when they stop fearing it — AND can’t be shocked when they stop condemning it.
3 31 2 days ago
Chaos Christmas 🎄
3 48 4 days ago
Just when you losing faith in adults, this pops up in your feed.
I WILL ACCEPT NOTHING LESS. (And I don’t give a shit who they pathetically and predictably picked)
Gisèle Pelicot and her immense bravery changed the world for women this year. @time #giselepelicot #personoftheyear