@tashitrieu_color on Instagram have full name is Tashi Trieu. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by tashitrieu_color on Instagram. Read More...
Tomorrow! How can you better work with your film colorist? How can you help them understand the look you want? Our guest Tashi Trieu (@tashitrieu_color) of Avatar: The Way of Water will answer your questions! 11 AM PT! We will be live on our YouTube channel - linked in bio! 🤓
100 4 2 years ago
The wait is almost over! This movie is absolutely breathtaking. December will be here before we know it! @jamescameronofficial@jonplandau
330 18 2 years ago
I’ve been working on something BIG! I’m incredibly thankful to Jim and Jon for the opportunity to be the colorist of the next Avatar film. The past few months have been incredible and December is just around the corner! Huge thanks to the teams at @picture.head and @parkroadpost, Lightstorm, and Disney for the work on this trailer. @jamescameronofficial@jonplandau
471 56 3 years ago
“Take Back the Night”
Dir. Gia Elliot
Starring @emmaleefitz@takebackthenightmovie
colorist #colorgrading #filmmaking #remotegrading #colourist #colorcorrection #colorgrading #colorgraders #cinematography #directorofphotography #cinematographer #postproduction #vfx #vfxartist #filmphotography #cinematic
I’ve always liked the A.V. Club for their thoughtful and clever reviews. It’s really exciting to see a dear friend celebrated by such a prominent publication. It’s incredible to see the names John Toll, Emmanuel Lubezki, and Greg Cotten in the same article!
Please take a read, watch the movie if you can, and give @gcotten a shout out for an incredible job well done!
152 4 4 years ago
RIP Hal Holbrook. Proud to have worked on “Flying Lessons” years ago. One of the first features I graded. Always hoped to meet him. #halholbrook
63 1 4 years ago
“Bates Motel” Teaser
Dir. Kellen Moore
DP. Jonathan Bruno @jbrunofilm
#colorist #colorgrading #filmmaking #remotegrading #colourist #colorcorrection #colorgrading #colorgraders #cinematography #directorofphotography #cinematographer #postproduction #vfx #vfxartist #filmphotography #cinematic
53 0 4 years ago
Dir. Joe Heath
DP. Michael Nie @nie_light
#colorist #colorgrading #filmmaking #remotegrading #colourist #colorcorrection #colorgrading #colorgraders #cinematography #directorofphotography #cinematographer #postproduction #vfx #vfxartist #filmphotography #cinematic
115 9 4 years ago
“Road to Moloch”
Dir. Bobby Glickert
DP. Jeff Dolen
#colorist #colorgrading #filmmaking #remotegrading #colourist #colorcorrection #colorgrading #colorgraders #cinematography #directorofphotography #cinematographer #postproduction #vfx #vfxartist #filmphotography #cinematic
86 5 4 years ago
Happy to hear that @dctitans is back in production. Best of luck and stay safe guys!
DP. Boris Mojsovski, CSC @borismojsovski & Brendan Steacy @brendansteacy
DIT. Kent McCormick
@dcutitans@titansnetflix@dccomics@thedcuniverse #titans
#colorist #colorgrading #filmmaking #remotegrading #colourist #colorcorrection #colorgrading #colorgraders #cinematography #directorofphotography #cinematographer #postproduction #vfx #vfxartist #filmphotography #cinematic