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6 months ago

What if interracial marriage was illegal in 2024? When I married my wife, @ann_melanie, we had the wedding ceremony in Seoul, South Korea, where I grew up. This singular experience made me realize how unique our marriage actually is. It made me think; what if the ability to have married Melanie was taken from me just because we look different? These questions came with deeper concerns. Making this movie truly helped me appreciate our relationship more and the importance of recognizing the efforts to protect certain rights in the US. I am so thrilled to share TEASER TRAILER of new short film, “LOVING DAY” • Logline: An interracial couple’s wedding plans take an unexpected turn when the Loving v. Virginia case, which legalized interracial marriage, is overturned, leaving them to navigate the fate of their child. @lovingday // “Loving Day” is an annual celebration held on June 12, the anniversary of the 1967 United States Supreme Court decision Loving v. Virginia which struck down all anti-miscegenation laws remaining in sixteen U.S. states. A @xylograph.films production Cast: Ian Oh / @ianohofficial Cast: Sidney Flanigan / @sidney.flanigan Cast: Raphael Sbarge / @raphaelsbarge Cast: Willie C. Carpenter Cast: Catherine Hogan / @hogiehogan Cast: Kevin Tanski / @katanski Cast: Amelia & Avery Duke / @alexismduke Cast: Cara Mitsuko / @cara.mitsuko Co-writer, Director, Editor: @daeildale Co-writer, Producer, 1st AD: @ann_melanie EP: @thelostkuma EP: @tonyhuang._ EP: @katanski EP: Matt McGloin Co-Prod: @torikotsen Associate Prod, KG: @toadalinakong Casting Director: @jshermy.casting Production Designer: @catherine_kirk Cinematographer: @carlostigs Original Score: @christaduggan Trailer Music: “Comforter” by Amanda Cook (from @musicbed ) 1st AC: @robertdutton_cam 2nd AC: @sammylammmby Cam/Steadi Op: @ericksteadi Gaffer: @youngliimages Location Sound: @shark_wilkin Sound Designer: Jake Salerno Colorist: @twodough HMU: @mollyslifeee Thank you: @marketdominator #interracial #interraciallove #interracialcouple #interracialmarriage #shortfilm
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