Drawing inspiration from a series of five illustrations, our fashion short unfolds within the artificial world of a bustling bistro. Amidst the lively ambiance, our main character traverses the space, tirelessly beckoning viewers to join in the unfolding spectacle, while the others revel in the moment.

Thanks to an amazing crew and cast 💥

‚Better be there!' for @sobo.design

director: @moritz_michl
DoP: @julian.wildner styling: @sophiebohmeier
cast: @sophie.lazari
1.ac: @mr.ceci_mechoka hmu: @sophiafriedl
Gaffer: Sebastian Radlmeier motion control operator: @cedric_soltani motion control assistant: @philippe_ _dauphin graphic design: @ella.rdlph
Score & sound design: @_86tales_ @gordiangleisz
supported by: @soup.film @vantagefilmofficial @camelot.berlin @studiodropped
thanks to: @marco_schott @dominikazissou

shot on 16mm @kodak_shootfilm

#shotonfilm #16mm
Drawing inspiration from a series of five illustrations, our fashion short unfolds within the artificial world of a bustling bistro. Amidst the lively ambiance, our main character traverses the space, tirelessly beckoning viewers to join in the unfolding spectacle, while the others revel in the moment. Thanks to an amazing crew and cast 💥 ‚Better be there!' for @sobo.design director: @moritz_michl DoP: @julian.wildner styling: @sophiebohmeier cast: @sophie.lazari 1.ac: @mr.ceci_mechoka hmu: @sophiafriedl Gaffer: Sebastian Radlmeier motion control operator: @cedric_soltani motion control assistant: @philippe_ _dauphin graphic design: @ella.rdlph Score & sound design: @_86tales_ @gordiangleisz supported by: @soup.film @vantagefilmofficial @camelot.berlin @studiodropped thanks to: @marco_schott @dominikazissou shot on 16mm @kodak_shootfilm #shotonfilm #16mm
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