Vidigal, Rio de Janeiro 

Photographer: @tomjohnsonstudio
Styling: George Krakowiak (georgekrakowiak), Makeup: Aurore Gibrien (@auroregibrien), Hair in Rio: Jake Falchi (@jakefalchi), Hair in Paris: Clement Billon (@clemizi).

Casting Producers: @coolhunterfavela | @rafaelapinah and @vitu_ 

Film made in collaboration with Sam Johnson (@samjohnsondirector Soundtrack by Laysa (@layfestyle)

The costumes on the cover were made by Victoria Ruiz (@vic.toriaruiz)& the model is Faiska (@faiska22) 

Thank you, Barbara (@___valente), for being shot twice - once in Rio and then again in Paris! @sheilabawar , @lara_mara_sheila , @faiska22 , #arabia20000, @kkkkarmali, @jvs.model , @herbertgoncalves , @cristiansanntos , @kadubueno_ , @vallentiiim , @filipe.krug and @#rodriguin_ofcc Mahany @mahanypery
Production Rio: The Lemon Projects, Production Paris: Farago Projects

Thank you to the team at @drepubblicait for the freedom and time to experiment. @efarneti & Costanzo Columbo 

Photo Assistant in Rio: James Hobson (@HobsonHobson)

Styling assistants: @anacamiza, @dominikradomsky, Larissa Moreira.

Hair assistants #CarolLibanio, #PamelaHubner
Makeup assistants: @jenniayallem @mayramrn and @lauraomermo 

Retouching @hobsonhobson @tomjohnsonstudio 

Thank you to the whole team @minititle

Executive Production: @thelemonprojects 
Executive Directors: @moborges_ @leilaferrell 
Production Coordinator: #isabelamacedo__
Set Manager: @hellobombinha 
Set Producers: @mariafernandaaragao, @mariabpellegrino 
Set Assistants: #LucasPetit, #JulianoSerpa, #AristóbuloTomé, #PedroAzevedo
Set Assistants: @lucaspetitdemange, @serpajuliano, @aristobulo_p_tome and @pedroazevedo 
Wardrobe: #TatianaFarias @Tatifvp2 
Wardrobe: @pamelahubner

Special thanks to @mirantedoarvrao for having us to stay - it was amazing!
Vidigal, Rio de Janeiro 

Photographer: @tomjohnsonstudio
Styling: George Krakowiak (georgekrakowiak), Makeup: Aurore Gibrien (@auroregibrien), Hair in Rio: Jake Falchi (@jakefalchi), Hair in Paris: Clement Billon (@clemizi).

Casting Producers: @coolhunterfavela | @rafaelapinah and @vitu_ 

Film made in collaboration with Sam Johnson (@samjohnsondirector Soundtrack by Laysa (@layfestyle) 
The costumes on the cover were made by Victoria Ruiz (@vic.toriaruiz)& the model is Faiska (@faiska22) 
Models: Thank you, Barbara (@___valente), for being shot twice - once in Rio and then again in Paris! @sheilabawar , @lara_mara_sheila , @faiska22 , #arabia20000, @kkkkarmali, @jvs.model , @herbertgoncalves , @cristiansanntos , @kadubueno_ , @vallentiiim , @filipe.krug and @#rodriguin_ofcc Mahany @mahanypery
 Production Rio: The Lemon Projects, Production Paris: Farago Projects
 Thank you to the team at @drepubblicait for the freedom and time to experiment. @efarneti & Costanzo Columbo 

Photo Assistant in Rio: James Hobson (@HobsonHobson) Styling assistants: @anacamiza, @dominikradomsky, Larissa Moreira. Hair assistants #CarolLibanio, #PamelaHubner Makeup assistants: @jenniayallem @mayramrn and @lauraomermo 

Retouching @hobsonhobson @tomjohnsonstudio 
Thank you to the whole team @minititle

Executive Production: @thelemonprojects Executive Directors: @moborges_ @leilaferrell Production Coordinator: #isabelamacedo__ Set Manager: @hellobombinha Set Producers: @mariafernandaaragao, @mariabpellegrino Set Assistants: #LucasPetit, #JulianoSerpa, #AristóbuloTomé, #PedroAzevedo Set Assistants: @lucaspetitdemange, @serpajuliano, @aristobulo_p_tome and @pedroazevedo Wardrobe: #TatianaFarias @Tatifvp2 Wardrobe: @pamelahubner Special thanks to @mirantedoarvrao for having us to stay - it was amazing!
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