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a month ago

ok that was kinda epic.  @charli_xcx shut down Times Square for @hm 

creative direction and scenic design by me 
lighting and prod design @kingsburyeyes 
video content @brainchild.vfx 
lighting programming 
lighting director @quincypop 

movement direction @cprinz__ 
live cam director @mrjamesbarnes 
steadi cam op @nickserabynsteadi 

styling @chrishoran20 
hair @mattbenns 
make up @yasminist 

prod @kennedyldn 
Kennedy show director @philmarfleet 

mgmt @brandoncreed @kvrowley @sampringle @daniela.lavender @noodlemma
ok that was kinda epic. @charli_xcx shut down Times Square for @hm creative direction and scenic design by me lighting and prod design @kingsburyeyes video content @brainchild.vfx lighting programming lighting director @quincypop movement direction @cprinz__ live cam director @mrjamesbarnes steadi cam op @nickserabynsteadi styling @chrishoran20 hair @mattbenns make up @yasminist prod @kennedyldn Kennedy show director @philmarfleet mgmt @brandoncreed @kvrowley @sampringle @daniela.lavender @noodlemma
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