@monkyman_music on Instagram have full name is 𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗞 𝗬 𝗠𝗔𝗡. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by monkyman_music on Instagram. Read More...
I m thinking, I’m thinking, I m thinking..
I know, like many of you know, that love will win eventually. The many of us who remember who we are, will grow stronger and wiser with every challenge forced upon us by the destructive force of our humanity. How can we convince those who have lost their minds, their sense of reality, detached from any kind of consciousness, how can we convince these lost brothers of “love as the answer?”
Is it that we have to “answer their actions with love?” Answer with love?
Fo real?
Or is it an illusion to turn hate or any negative into a positive? Because what happens with the positive?
What about neutrality? Where do the neutral stand?
I am thinking…
But isn’t it more about truthfulness.
To find truth I need to be honest.
To be honest, I have to have found my truth first.
To be honest you have to have found your truth first.
Does this mean I need to seek and wonder, be fragile and sincere, precise and disciplined, to be open and ask questions? To take decisions and actions, proposed by my higher wisdom, my intuition and consciously released through my moral learning of humanity?
Hopefully it will all lead to
Justice, Liberty, Peace & Love.
I am feeling It’s time for us all to walk the walk.
“The long walk to freedom”
Why only a few of us? How come we get to enjoy the fruits we haven’t even harvested? How can I enjoy the harvest of anything knowing that it grew on stolen land and or was taken away from my brothers and sisters.
Is there another way?
I m thinking…
I am not the only one.
714 44 a year ago
beautiful memories of one of my favourite shows so far 🌐
📸 @ap.solis
#buchtderträumer #pearlopolis #monkyman #liveact #liveset #famintheback
Video Release: SAT 09.11
BTS content: @_olmo__
A huge thanks to our community who enabled us to bring this project to life with their efforts, presence, financial and emotional support ✊🏽❤️🔥
Any income this song might generate will be donated to humanitarian relief efforts in the Global South.
Dounana is an angry preach for freedom, because as we all know, none of us is free until all of us are free 🍉✊🏽
302 18 a month ago
DOUNANA by SIBA @sibasmusic
A Video to the Song is coming out next Week on the 9th of November.
📸 by Fabrizio Bilello
«Nightlife in Solidarity» ist ein einmonatiges Projekt um Geld zu sammeln für Menschen auf der Flucht. In Anbetracht der aktuellen Flüchtlingskrise und der zunehmenden Abschottungspolitik in Europa haben wir eine Initiative ins Leben gerufen. Im Oktober 2024 soll sich das Nachtleben in der Schweiz solidarisch zeigen. Zum einen können sich Clubs an der Sammelaktion beteiligen, indem sie bei EINER ihrer Veranstaltungen im Oktober 2024 einen Teil des Eintrittspreises spenden. Zum anderen wird am 26. Oktober 2024 eine Veranstaltung im Zürcher Dynamo stattfinden, die den Sammelmonat abschliesst.
Die Aktion soll Angehörigen und Institutionen des Schweizer Nachtlebens eine Möglichkeit bieten, ihre Strukturen, Kompetenzen und Mittel solidarisch einzusetzen. Wir laden Kulturbetriebe und Kulturinteressierte aus der ganzen Schweiz ein, sich zu beteiligen.
Der gesamte Erlös wird an vier Projekte gespendet, die sich direkt und praktisch für Menschen auf der Flucht einsetzen (Das Ziel ist es, mindestens 40.000 CHF zusammenzubringen.):
Refugees in Libya: Eine selbstorganisierte Bewegung von Geflüchteten in Libyen, die alltägliche Unterstützung und wichtige Öffentlichkeitsarbeit leistet.
Alarm Phone: Ein transkontinentales Netzwerk von Aktivist:innen, das eine 24/7 Hotline für Flüchtende in Seenot betreibt und zudem wichtige Dokumentations- und Aufklärungsarbeit leistet.
Direkthilfe für queere Menschen auf der Flucht: Ein Projekt, das queere Menschen in Westafrika unterstützt, die aufgrund ihrer sexuellen Identität flüchten müssen.
Legal Center Lesvos: Ein Zentrum, das Migrant:innen, die auf dem Seeweg nach Lesbos gekommen sind, kostenlose individuelle Rechtsberatung und -hilfe bietet.
90 2 3 months ago
Link in Bio
298 19 5 months ago
3. August, Doors open from 9pm
Artistania Atelier
Dearest community,
We are thrilled to invite you to our event on the 3rd of August in Artistania Atelier, where many amazing artists will share their music with you.
This event is a special one for us since it holds the purpose of enabling a project that has great importance, which is the video of the the song “Dounana”.
Dounana (translation: Without us) is a rap song put together by Siba and Monkyman, and is to be released with a video by the end of this summer. The song is written in Arabic and carries a strong message of decolonization. Our plan is to release it with a video (and subtitles) that can broadcast this message to as many people as possible, and can give the song and the message behind it the spark it deserves. Not only would this angry sound be a revolutionary tool that empowers us all in our long fight against white supremacy, but it might as well open some blind eyes to the truth.
As we all know, some things in life are not for free. Even though all efforts going into this video are voluntary and come from our beloved community, we still need to pay for some things that we need to realize our planned concept in the most professional manner possible, such as a studio and filming equipment.
The revenue of this event will be used to cover a part of the needed budget, and we have created a gofundme to cover the rest, where you can also read more details about the project, and decide if you are interested to support it further. In case we spend less than the planned budget, all remaining funds will be donated to either support families in Gaza or Palestinian artists in occupied Palestine.
Finally, on the 3rd of August we will take the chance to perform Dounana live for you and feel the fever together. We can’t wait to share this experience with you ❤️
See you then, with much love.
And never forget: Free Palestine, Free Sudan, Free Congo and Free all of Humanity from hatred, wars destruction, racism and capitalism 🍉🇵🇸