nanaka_sakuraiInstagram Profile


Nanaka Sakurai

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Nanaka Sakurai Profile Information

@nanaka_sakurai on Instagram have full name is Nanaka Sakurai. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by nanaka_sakurai on Instagram. Read More...

12月20日(金)より、「ビームス ジャパン(新宿) 5階」〈B GALLERY(Bギャラリー)〉にて、イラストレーター・一乗ひかるの個展を開催します。@ichijo_hikaru_ 

・artist comment
「花も、人も、脆く壊れやすいものだと思う。 だけど、この世の中を生き抜く強さを持っているとも感じる。」

開催店舗:ビームス ジャパン(新宿)5階『B GALLERY』
額装:MURPH (

2018年よりイラストレーターとして活動。 印刷技法をベースとした色彩表現と、グラフィカルでヘルシーなイラストレーションを心がけている。 顔を描かないことで美醜の価値観から判断させない意図がある。 書籍、広告、パッケージを中心に幅広く活動している。

開催店舗:ビームス ジャパン(新宿)5階『B GALLERY』
LIVE:19:00~19:30 Masatomo Yoshizawa,XTAL

「YOUR SONG IS GOOD(1998~)」ギター担当。並行してFRONTIER BACKYARDのTGMX、COMEBACK MY DAUGHTERSの高本和英、Keishi Tanakaと共に「THE DEKITS(2010~)」、キセルの辻村豪文、辻村友晴、グッドラックヘイワの野村卓史と共に「yamomo(2020~)」としても活動。雑誌、アパレル、音楽などの分野でイラストを描く。デザイナーの大原大次郎と共に「NEW co.(2017~)」としても活動。

95年からDJを開始。川崎工場地帯の某工場屋上にて行われているインダストリアル・レイブ・パーティー「DK SOUND」で、k404とのTraks BoysとしてレジデントDJを務める。バンド(((さらうんど)))、Jintana & Emeraldsのメンバーとしても活動中。2024年12月にソロ最新アルバム『EKO』をカクバリズムよりリリース。

■1day Xmas flower shop
開催店舗:ビームス ジャパン(新宿)5階「B gallery」

@b_gallery_official 12月20日(金)より、「ビームス ジャパン(新宿) 5階」〈B GALLERY(Bギャラリー)〉にて、イラストレーター・一乗ひかるの個展を開催します。@ichijo_hikaru_ 都内では実に3年ぶりの個展となる今回は、”壊れやすさ、儚さの裏側に持ち合わせている強さ”をテーマに、独自の構図と配色によって描かれた作品を展示・販売致します。 本展示を記念して、一乗ひかるのイラストを落とし込んだ〈TEMBEA(テンベア)〉のバゲットトートや、タイダイ染めの職人であるYUKIDYEとのコラボレーションアイテムを製作しました。さらに、タイトルである『fragile』に合わせて製作したビーカー型の花瓶や梱包用のテープを販売致します。初日の12月20日(金)には、オープニングパーティーを予定しております。皆様ぜひこの機会にお越しください。 ・artist comment 「花も、人も、脆く壊れやすいものだと思う。 だけど、この世の中を生き抜く強さを持っているとも感じる。」 ■一乗ひかる個展『fragile』 開催期間:2024年12月20日(金)〜1月19日(日) 開催店舗:ビームス ジャパン(新宿)5階『B GALLERY』 額装:MURPH ( 一乗ひかる 2018年よりイラストレーターとして活動。 印刷技法をベースとした色彩表現と、グラフィカルでヘルシーなイラストレーションを心がけている。 顔を描かないことで美醜の価値観から判断させない意図がある。 書籍、広告、パッケージを中心に幅広く活動している。 ■オープニングレセプション 開催日時:2024年12月20日(金)18:00〜20:00 開催店舗:ビームス ジャパン(新宿)5階『B GALLERY』 LIVE:19:00~19:30 Masatomo Yoshizawa,XTAL ※どなたでもご参加いただけます。 吉澤成友(ヨシザワマサトモ) 1974年生まれ。音楽家。イラストレーター。 「YOUR SONG IS GOOD(1998~)」ギター担当。並行してFRONTIER BACKYARDのTGMX、COMEBACK MY DAUGHTERSの高本和英、Keishi Tanakaと共に「THE DEKITS(2010~)」、キセルの辻村豪文、辻村友晴、グッドラックヘイワの野村卓史と共に「yamomo(2020~)」としても活動。雑誌、アパレル、音楽などの分野でイラストを描く。デザイナーの大原大次郎と共に「NEW co.(2017~)」としても活動。 @yoshizawamasatomo XTAL(クリスタル) 95年からDJを開始。川崎工場地帯の某工場屋上にて行われているインダストリアル・レイブ・パーティー「DK SOUND」で、k404とのTraks BoysとしてレジデントDJを務める。バンド(((さらうんど)))、Jintana & Emeraldsのメンバーとしても活動中。2024年12月にソロ最新アルバム『EKO』をカクバリズムよりリリース。 @_xtal_jp_ ■1day Xmas flower shop 一乗ひかると親交の深い逗子の花屋〈橘〉が初日の20日(金)に特別出店します。 開催日時:2024年12月20日(金)15:00〜20:00 開催店舗:ビームス ジャパン(新宿)5階「B gallery」 橘(たちばな) 花と植物で幸福な人生を。 海街・逗子で愉快なコンシェルジュがお待ちしています。
33 0 6 hours ago
⚡️🐊Beams x Crocs🐊⚡️

Special thanks to the amazing Beams team! 

Keita ‘Gonzo’ Kobayashi 
Minami Dodo @minami_dodo 
Takehiko Suzuki

Jumpei @jumpei_m1n
Natalie @natali_reton
Shokupan Inc. Art Director: Debbie Pan @digitaldebz
Shokupan Inc. Graphic Design: Samuel Rhodes @samuelrhodes
Shokupan Inc. Producer: Shunya Watanabe @shunya_watanabe
Director: Anthony Yano Hays @anthonyyanohays
Director of Photography: Petter Jensen @petterjensendop
1st AC: Alexander Witmer @alexanderwitmer
2nd AC: Tomohiro Kashiwa @kashiwatmhr
3rd AC: Itsuki Okamoto @i0_382
Lighting Assistant: Sayo Bapst @sayomeh
VFX Artist: Raphael Gort @
Sound Design, Mixing Engineer, and Composer: U.Jay
Composer: PUBLIC MOSH SERVICE @ __vmo__
Photographer: Yuji Watanabe @yuji_w57
Photographer Assistant: Tae Katase @k_ttta_
Stylist: Jinki Naomatsu @tyoku_01aw
Stylist Assistant: Tachai Namuta @tachaaa0
Hair Stylist: Kunio Kohzaki (Office HEAD PEACE)@kuniokohzaki
Hair Assistant: PINK Tanaka @369pink___tanaka
Makeup Artist: Yoko Minami @yokominamimua
Makeup Assistant: Miyabi Naito @oi.___iii
Car Stunt
Palmdesign Co.,ltd.
Production @cekai_jp 
Producer: Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai
PM: Lucy Chi @gummiluce
PM: Aoi Tanaka @metta.jade
Production Support: Yuma Takeda @yuma564, Yusuke Morohashi @usque, Yuya Amano @motti_moti, Yuko Souda
⚡️🐊Beams x Crocs🐊⚡️ Special thanks to the amazing Beams team! BEAMS Team Keita ‘Gonzo’ Kobayashi Minami Dodo @minami_dodo Takehiko Suzuki 
Cast Jumpei @jumpei_m1n Natalie @natali_reton   Creative
Shokupan Inc. Art Director: Debbie Pan @digitaldebz Shokupan Inc. Graphic Design: Samuel Rhodes @samuelrhodes Shokupan Inc. Producer: Shunya Watanabe @shunya_watanabe   Movie
Director: Anthony Yano Hays @anthonyyanohays Director of Photography: Petter Jensen @petterjensendop 1st AC: Alexander Witmer @alexanderwitmer 2nd AC: Tomohiro Kashiwa @kashiwatmhr 3rd AC: Itsuki Okamoto @i0_382 Lighting Assistant: Sayo Bapst @sayomeh   VFX
VFX Artist: Raphael Gort @   Music Sound Design, Mixing Engineer, and Composer: U.Jay Composer: PUBLIC MOSH SERVICE @ __vmo__   Stills
Photographer: Yuji Watanabe @yuji_w57 Photographer Assistant: Tae Katase @k_ttta_   Glam 
Stylist: Jinki Naomatsu @tyoku_01aw Stylist Assistant: Tachai Namuta @tachaaa0
Hair Stylist: Kunio Kohzaki (Office HEAD PEACE)@kuniokohzaki Hair Assistant: PINK Tanaka @369pink___tanaka Makeup Artist: Yoko Minami @yokominamimua Makeup Assistant: Miyabi Naito @oi.___iii Transport JCM   Car Stunt CAROL   Location Palmdesign Co.,ltd.   Production @cekai_jp 
Producer: Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai PM: Lucy Chi @gummiluce PM: Aoi Tanaka @metta.jade Production Support: Yuma Takeda @yuma564, Yusuke Morohashi @usque, Yuya Amano @motti_moti, Yuko Souda
59 1 3 months ago

Special Thanks to the amazing Beams Team
Keita ‘Gonzo’ Kobayashi
Minami Dodo @minami_dodo 
Takehiko Suzuki
Yukiko Mizutani 

Jumpei @jumpei_m1n
Natalie @natali_reton
Shokupan Inc. Art Director: Debbie Pan @digitaldebz
Shokupan Inc. Graphic Design: Samuel Rhodes @samuelrhodes
Shokupan Inc. Producer: Shunya Watanabe @shunya_watanabe
Director: Anthony Yano Hays @anthonyyanohays
Director of Photography: Petter Jensen @petterjensendop
1st AC: Alexander Witmer @alexanderwitmer
2nd AC: Tomohiro Kashiwa @kashiwatmhr
3rd AC: Itsuki Okamoto @i0_382
Lighting Assistant: Sayo Bapst @sayomeh
VFX Artist: Raphael Gort @
Sound Design, Mixing Engineer, and Composer: U.Jay
Composer: PUBLIC MOSH SERVICE @ __vmo__
Photographer: Yuji Watanabe @yuji_w57
Photographer Assistant: Tae Katase @k_ttta_
Stylist: Jinki Naomatsu @tyoku_01aw
Stylist Assistant: Tachai Namuta @tachaaa0
Hair Stylist: Kunio Kohzaki (Office HEAD PEACE) @kuniokohzaki
Hair Assistant: PINK Tanaka @369pink___tanaka
Makeup Artist: Yoko Minami @yokominamimua
Makeup Assistant: Miyabi Naito @oi.___iii
Car Stunt
Palmdesign Co.,ltd.
Production @cekai_jp 
Producer: Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai
PM: Lucy Chi @gummiluce
PM: Aoi Tanaka @metta.jade
Production Support: Yuma Takeda @yuma564, Yusuke Morohashi @usque, Yuya Amano @motti_moti, Yuko Souda
⚡️🐊BEAMS X CROCS 🐊⚡️ Special Thanks to the amazing Beams Team Keita ‘Gonzo’ Kobayashi Minami Dodo @minami_dodo Takehiko Suzuki Yukiko Mizutani Cast Jumpei @jumpei_m1n Natalie @natali_reton Creative Shokupan Inc. Art Director: Debbie Pan @digitaldebz Shokupan Inc. Graphic Design: Samuel Rhodes @samuelrhodes Shokupan Inc. Producer: Shunya Watanabe @shunya_watanabe Movie Director: Anthony Yano Hays @anthonyyanohays Director of Photography: Petter Jensen @petterjensendop 1st AC: Alexander Witmer @alexanderwitmer 2nd AC: Tomohiro Kashiwa @kashiwatmhr 3rd AC: Itsuki Okamoto @i0_382 Lighting Assistant: Sayo Bapst @sayomeh VFX VFX Artist: Raphael Gort @ Music Sound Design, Mixing Engineer, and Composer: U.Jay Composer: PUBLIC MOSH SERVICE @ __vmo__ Stills Photographer: Yuji Watanabe @yuji_w57 Photographer Assistant: Tae Katase @k_ttta_ Glam Stylist: Jinki Naomatsu @tyoku_01aw Stylist Assistant: Tachai Namuta @tachaaa0 Hair Stylist: Kunio Kohzaki (Office HEAD PEACE) @kuniokohzaki Hair Assistant: PINK Tanaka @369pink___tanaka Makeup Artist: Yoko Minami @yokominamimua Makeup Assistant: Miyabi Naito @oi.___iii Transport JCM Car Stunt CAROL Location Palmdesign Co.,ltd. Production @cekai_jp Producer: Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai PM: Lucy Chi @gummiluce PM: Aoi Tanaka @metta.jade Production Support: Yuma Takeda @yuma564, Yusuke Morohashi @usque, Yuya Amano @motti_moti, Yuko Souda
6 0 3 months ago

Special Thanks to the amazing Beams Team
Keita ‘Gonzo’ Kobayashi
Minami Dodo @minami_dodo 
Takehiko Suzuki
Yukiko Mizutani 

Jumpei @jumpei_m1n
Natalie @natali_reton
Shokupan Inc. Art Director: Debbie Pan @digitaldebz
Shokupan Inc. Graphic Design: Samuel Rhodes @samuelrhodes
Shokupan Inc. Producer: Shunya Watanabe @shunya_watanabe
Director: Anthony Yano Hays @anthonyyanohays
Director of Photography: Petter Jensen @petterjensendop
1st AC: Alexander Witmer @alexanderwitmer
2nd AC: Tomohiro Kashiwa @kashiwatmhr
3rd AC: Itsuki Okamoto @i0_382
Lighting Assistant: Sayo Bapst @sayomeh
VFX Artist: Raphael Gort @
Sound Design, Mixing Engineer, and Composer: U.Jay
Composer: PUBLIC MOSH SERVICE @ __vmo__
Photographer: Yuji Watanabe @yuji_w57
Photographer Assistant: Tae Katase @k_ttta_
Stylist: Jinki Naomatsu @tyoku_01aw
Stylist Assistant: Tachai Namuta @tachaaa0
Hair Stylist: Kunio Kohzaki (Office HEAD PEACE) @kuniokohzaki
Hair Assistant: PINK Tanaka @369pink___tanaka
Makeup Artist: Yoko Minami @yokominamimua
Makeup Assistant: Miyabi Naito @oi.___iii
Car Stunt
Palmdesign Co.,ltd.
Production @cekai_jp 
Producer: Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai
PM: Lucy Chi @gummiluce
PM: Aoi Tanaka @metta.jade
Production Support: Yuma Takeda @yuma564, Yusuke Morohashi @usque, Yuya Amano @motti_moti, Yuko Souda
⚡️🐊BEAMS X CROCS 🐊⚡️ Special Thanks to the amazing Beams Team Keita ‘Gonzo’ Kobayashi Minami Dodo @minami_dodo Takehiko Suzuki Yukiko Mizutani Cast Jumpei @jumpei_m1n Natalie @natali_reton Creative Shokupan Inc. Art Director: Debbie Pan @digitaldebz Shokupan Inc. Graphic Design: Samuel Rhodes @samuelrhodes Shokupan Inc. Producer: Shunya Watanabe @shunya_watanabe Movie Director: Anthony Yano Hays @anthonyyanohays Director of Photography: Petter Jensen @petterjensendop 1st AC: Alexander Witmer @alexanderwitmer 2nd AC: Tomohiro Kashiwa @kashiwatmhr 3rd AC: Itsuki Okamoto @i0_382 Lighting Assistant: Sayo Bapst @sayomeh VFX VFX Artist: Raphael Gort @ Music Sound Design, Mixing Engineer, and Composer: U.Jay Composer: PUBLIC MOSH SERVICE @ __vmo__ Stills Photographer: Yuji Watanabe @yuji_w57 Photographer Assistant: Tae Katase @k_ttta_ Glam Stylist: Jinki Naomatsu @tyoku_01aw Stylist Assistant: Tachai Namuta @tachaaa0 Hair Stylist: Kunio Kohzaki (Office HEAD PEACE) @kuniokohzaki Hair Assistant: PINK Tanaka @369pink___tanaka Makeup Artist: Yoko Minami @yokominamimua Makeup Assistant: Miyabi Naito @oi.___iii Transport JCM Car Stunt CAROL Location Palmdesign Co.,ltd. Production @cekai_jp Producer: Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai PM: Lucy Chi @gummiluce PM: Aoi Tanaka @metta.jade Production Support: Yuma Takeda @yuma564, Yusuke Morohashi @usque, Yuya Amano @motti_moti, Yuko Souda
10 1 3 months ago

Special Thanks to the amazing Beams Team
Keita ‘Gonzo’ Kobayashi
Minami Dodo @minami_dodo 
Takehiko Suzuki
Yukiko Mizutani 

Jumpei @jumpei_m1n
Natalie @natali_reton
Shokupan Inc. Art Director: Debbie Pan @digitaldebz
Shokupan Inc. Graphic Design: Samuel Rhodes @samuelrhodes
Shokupan Inc. Producer: Shunya Watanabe @shunya_watanabe
Director: Anthony Yano Hays @anthonyyanohays
Director of Photography: Petter Jensen @petterjensendop
1st AC: Alexander Witmer @alexanderwitmer
2nd AC: Tomohiro Kashiwa @kashiwatmhr
3rd AC: Itsuki Okamoto @i0_382
Lighting Assistant: Sayo Bapst @sayomeh
VFX Artist: Raphael Gort @
Sound Design, Mixing Engineer, and Composer: U.Jay
Composer: PUBLIC MOSH SERVICE @ __vmo__
Photographer: Yuji Watanabe @yuji_w57
Photographer Assistant: Tae Katase @k_ttta_
Stylist: Jinki Naomatsu @tyoku_01aw
Stylist Assistant: Tachai Namuta @tachaaa0
Hair Stylist: Kunio Kohzaki (Office HEAD PEACE) @kuniokohzaki
Hair Assistant: PINK Tanaka @369pink___tanaka
Makeup Artist: Yoko Minami @yokominamimua
Makeup Assistant: Miyabi Naito @oi.___iii
Car Stunt
Palmdesign Co.,ltd.
Production @cekai_jp 
Producer: Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai
PM: Lucy Chi @gummiluce
PM: Aoi Tanaka @metta.jade
Production Support: Yuma Takeda @yuma564, Yusuke Morohashi @usque, Yuya Amano @motti_moti, Yuko Souda
⚡️🐊BEAMS X CROCS 🐊⚡️ Special Thanks to the amazing Beams Team Keita ‘Gonzo’ Kobayashi Minami Dodo @minami_dodo Takehiko Suzuki Yukiko Mizutani Cast Jumpei @jumpei_m1n Natalie @natali_reton Creative Shokupan Inc. Art Director: Debbie Pan @digitaldebz Shokupan Inc. Graphic Design: Samuel Rhodes @samuelrhodes Shokupan Inc. Producer: Shunya Watanabe @shunya_watanabe Movie Director: Anthony Yano Hays @anthonyyanohays Director of Photography: Petter Jensen @petterjensendop 1st AC: Alexander Witmer @alexanderwitmer 2nd AC: Tomohiro Kashiwa @kashiwatmhr 3rd AC: Itsuki Okamoto @i0_382 Lighting Assistant: Sayo Bapst @sayomeh VFX VFX Artist: Raphael Gort @ Music Sound Design, Mixing Engineer, and Composer: U.Jay Composer: PUBLIC MOSH SERVICE @ __vmo__ Stills Photographer: Yuji Watanabe @yuji_w57 Photographer Assistant: Tae Katase @k_ttta_ Glam Stylist: Jinki Naomatsu @tyoku_01aw Stylist Assistant: Tachai Namuta @tachaaa0 Hair Stylist: Kunio Kohzaki (Office HEAD PEACE) @kuniokohzaki Hair Assistant: PINK Tanaka @369pink___tanaka Makeup Artist: Yoko Minami @yokominamimua Makeup Assistant: Miyabi Naito @oi.___iii Transport JCM Car Stunt CAROL Location Palmdesign Co.,ltd. Production @cekai_jp Producer: Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai PM: Lucy Chi @gummiluce PM: Aoi Tanaka @metta.jade Production Support: Yuma Takeda @yuma564, Yusuke Morohashi @usque, Yuya Amano @motti_moti, Yuko Souda
5 1 3 months ago

Cast : @slammin_sakura @enzopiquet @yamatoinoue__0612

Director : @ulive_udai
DoP : @seiya_uehara
Camera Chief : Kosuke Sai
2nd AC : Hikaru Tsuchida
3rd AC : Shotaro Sugiyama
4th AC : Yugo Shinomiya
Lighting Director : @james_thompson_lx
DIT : Kei Otani
Nerf : @grid_fpv
Nerf Assistant : Kota Uehara
Nerf Assistant : Hirohisa Sato
AD : @roymzn
2nd AD : Rikako Kimura
Stylist : @kanemitru
Stylist Assistant : Hanako
HMU : Hitoshi Nobusawa
HMU : @chihohatae
Sound : @shitungtung
Music : @andynagashima
Music arrange and mix : @ji2kia
Grading : @bennyconkey
OQline Editor : @toshinsta__b
Online : Yuto Umega
Japan Cine Mobile (JCM)
Production Design : @takuwa9041 @mesmerism_inc

Production @cekai_jp 
Producer : @nanaka_sakurai
PM : @ekus_6
PM : @gummiluce 
PM : @metta.jade
Producer, Support : @keisuke_homan
Producer, Support : @69sec 
PA : @lei___ya 
PA : Yusuke Morohashi
PA : Emi
NTT NWM SHURI @nwm_jp 
 Cast : @slammin_sakura @enzopiquet @yamatoinoue__0612 Director : @ulive_udai DoP : @seiya_uehara Camera Chief : Kosuke Sai 2nd AC : Hikaru Tsuchida 3rd AC : Shotaro Sugiyama 4th AC : Yugo Shinomiya Lighting Director : @james_thompson_lx DIT : Kei Otani Nerf : @grid_fpv Nerf Assistant : Kota Uehara Nerf Assistant : Hirohisa Sato AD : @roymzn 2nd AD : Rikako Kimura Stylist : @kanemitru Stylist Assistant : Hanako HMU : Hitoshi Nobusawa HMU : @chihohatae Sound : @shitungtung Music : @andynagashima Music arrange and mix : @ji2kia Grading : @bennyconkey OQline Editor : @toshinsta__b Online : Yuto Umega Transportation Japan Cine Mobile (JCM) Production Design : @takuwa9041 @mesmerism_inc Production @cekai_jp Producer : @nanaka_sakurai PM : @ekus_6 PM : @gummiluce PM : @metta.jade Producer, Support : @keisuke_homan Producer, Support : @69sec PA : @lei___ya PA : Yusuke Morohashi PA : Emi
105 1 3 months ago
Loewe Flamenco Purse 

Mikako Ichikawa
Junko Asano @junkowillma
Manami Kinoshita @kinoshitamanami
Loewe Team 
Art Direction, Film : Clementine Hardcastle (Loewe)
Art Direction, Photography : Benjamin Robertson (Loewe)
Producer : Lewis Smith
Producer : Miki Murata
Marketing : Saori Imai
PR : Takeshi Shimbo
Stylist : Tamao IIda 
Makeup UDA 
Hair : Koichi Nishimura

Still and Movie 
Photographer : Vitali Gelwich @vitali_gelwich
1st AC : Pamina Aicchorn @minaaichhorn
2nd AC : Rem Egura @rem06xd
Digi tech : Hiroki Nagahiro @nagahiroki
Digi tech : Dhani Caro @dhanicaro

Director of Photography : Hans Bobànovits @bnvts
1st AC : Tatsuya Ouchi @tatsuya_ouchi
2nd AC : Matthew Kingery @chatty.pdf
Gaffer : James Thompson @james_thompson_lx
Best Boy : Wataru Yoshinaga @waterloo1015

Art and Props 
Set Design : Akihiro Yamaya @akihiroyamaya
Assistant : Alex Hayano @alexhayano
Assistant : Ao Nagasaki @watashiwa__aodesu
Production @cekai_jp 
Producer : Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai
Producer : Yohei Fujii @biscco
Producer : Nakakimu @69sec
Producer : Kei Honda @thisisnotkei
PM: Troy Fukuda @troyippei
PM : Eisuke Arai @a_sk_e
PA : Lulu Nabeshima @lulumarine
PA : Sofian “Ted” Boucif @teddevo
PA : Yuya Amano @motti_moti
Loewe Flamenco Purse Cast Mikako Ichikawa Junko Asano @junkowillma
Manami Kinoshita @kinoshitamanami   Loewe Team Art Direction, Film : Clementine Hardcastle (Loewe) Art Direction, Photography : Benjamin Robertson (Loewe) Producer : Lewis Smith
Producer : Miki Murata
Marketing : Saori Imai PR : Takeshi Shimbo   Glam 
Stylist : Tamao IIda 
Makeup UDA Hair : Koichi Nishimura 
Still and Movie 
Photographer : Vitali Gelwich @vitali_gelwich 1st AC : Pamina Aicchorn @minaaichhorn 2nd AC : Rem Egura @rem06xd Digi tech : Hiroki Nagahiro @nagahiroki
Digi tech : Dhani Caro @dhanicaro 
Director of Photography : Hans Bobànovits @bnvts 1st AC : Tatsuya Ouchi @tatsuya_ouchi 2nd AC : Matthew Kingery @chatty.pdf Lighting Gaffer : James Thompson @james_thompson_lx Best Boy : Wataru Yoshinaga @waterloo1015

Art and Props Set Design : Akihiro Yamaya @akihiroyamaya
Assistant : Alex Hayano @alexhayano Assistant : Ao Nagasaki @watashiwa__aodesu   Production @cekai_jp 
Producer : Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai Producer : Yohei Fujii @biscco Producer : Nakakimu @69sec Producer : Kei Honda @thisisnotkei PM: Troy Fukuda @troyippei PM : Eisuke Arai @a_sk_e PA : Lulu Nabeshima @lulumarine PA : Sofian “Ted” Boucif @teddevo
PA : Yuya Amano @motti_moti
2 0 3 months ago
Loewe Flamenco Purse 

Mikako Ichikawa
Junko Asano @junkowillma
Manami Kinoshita @kinoshitamanami
Loewe Team 
Art Direction, Film : Clementine Hardcastle (Loewe)
Art Direction, Photography : Benjamin Robertson (Loewe)
Producer : Lewis Smith
Producer : Miki Murata
Marketing : Saori Imai
PR : Takeshi Shimbo
Stylist : Tamao IIda 
Makeup UDA 
Hair : Koichi Nishimura

Still and Movie 
Photographer : Vitali Gelwich @vitali_gelwich
1st AC : Pamina Aicchorn @minaaichhorn
2nd AC : Rem Egura @rem06xd
Digi tech : Hiroki Nagahiro @nagahiroki
Digi tech : Dhani Caro @dhanicaro

Director of Photography : Hans Bobànovits @bnvts
1st AC : Tatsuya Ouchi @tatsuya_ouchi
2nd AC : Matthew Kingery @chatty.pdf
Gaffer : James Thompson @james_thompson_lx
Best Boy : Wataru Yoshinaga @waterloo1015

Art and Props 
Set Design : Akihiro Yamaya @akihiroyamaya
Assistant : Alex Hayano @alexhayano
Assistant : Ao Nagasaki @watashiwa__aodesu
Production @cekai_jp 
Producer : Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai
Producer : Yohei Fujii @biscco
Producer : Nakakimu @69sec
Producer : Kei Honda @thisisnotkei
PM: Troy Fukuda @troyippei
PM : Eisuke Arai @a_sk_e
PA : Lulu Nabeshima @lulumarine
PA : Sofian “Ted” Boucif @teddevo
PA : Yuya Amano @motti_moti
Loewe Flamenco Purse Cast Mikako Ichikawa Junko Asano @junkowillma
Manami Kinoshita @kinoshitamanami   Loewe Team Art Direction, Film : Clementine Hardcastle (Loewe) Art Direction, Photography : Benjamin Robertson (Loewe) Producer : Lewis Smith
Producer : Miki Murata
Marketing : Saori Imai PR : Takeshi Shimbo   Glam 
Stylist : Tamao IIda 
Makeup UDA Hair : Koichi Nishimura 
Still and Movie 
Photographer : Vitali Gelwich @vitali_gelwich 1st AC : Pamina Aicchorn @minaaichhorn 2nd AC : Rem Egura @rem06xd Digi tech : Hiroki Nagahiro @nagahiroki
Digi tech : Dhani Caro @dhanicaro 
Director of Photography : Hans Bobànovits @bnvts 1st AC : Tatsuya Ouchi @tatsuya_ouchi 2nd AC : Matthew Kingery @chatty.pdf Lighting Gaffer : James Thompson @james_thompson_lx Best Boy : Wataru Yoshinaga @waterloo1015

Art and Props Set Design : Akihiro Yamaya @akihiroyamaya
Assistant : Alex Hayano @alexhayano Assistant : Ao Nagasaki @watashiwa__aodesu   Production @cekai_jp 
Producer : Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai Producer : Yohei Fujii @biscco Producer : Nakakimu @69sec Producer : Kei Honda @thisisnotkei PM: Troy Fukuda @troyippei PM : Eisuke Arai @a_sk_e PA : Lulu Nabeshima @lulumarine PA : Sofian “Ted” Boucif @teddevo
PA : Yuya Amano @motti_moti
9 0 3 months ago
Loewe Flamenco Purse 

Mikako Ichikawa
Junko Asano @junkowillma
Manami Kinoshita @kinoshitamanami
Loewe Team 
Art Direction, Film : Clementine Hardcastle (Loewe)
Art Direction, Photography : Benjamin Robertson (Loewe)
Producer : Lewis Smith
Producer : Miki Murata
Marketing : Saori Imai
PR : Takeshi Shimbo
Stylist : Tamao IIda 
Makeup UDA 
Hair : Koichi Nishimura

Still and Movie 
Photographer : Vitali Gelwich @vitali_gelwich
1st AC : Pamina Aicchorn @minaaichhorn
2nd AC : Rem Egura @rem06xd
Digi tech : Hiroki Nagahiro @nagahiroki
Digi tech : Dhani Caro @dhanicaro

Director of Photography : Hans Bobànovits @bnvts
1st AC : Tatsuya Ouchi @tatsuya_ouchi
2nd AC : Matthew Kingery @chatty.pdf
Gaffer : James Thompson @james_thompson_lx
Best Boy : Wataru Yoshinaga @waterloo1015

Art and Props 
Set Design : Akihiro Yamaya @akihiroyamaya
Assistant : Alex Hayano @alexhayano
Assistant : Ao Nagasaki @watashiwa__aodesu
Production @cekai_jp 
Producer : Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai
Producer : Yohei Fujii @biscco
Producer : Nakakimu @69sec
Producer : Kei Honda @thisisnotkei
PM: Troy Fukuda @troyippei
PM : Eisuke Arai @a_sk_e
PA : Lulu Nabeshima @lulumarine
PA : Sofian “Ted” Boucif @teddevo
PA : Yuya Amano @motti_moti
Loewe Flamenco Purse Cast Mikako Ichikawa Junko Asano @junkowillma
Manami Kinoshita @kinoshitamanami   Loewe Team Art Direction, Film : Clementine Hardcastle (Loewe) Art Direction, Photography : Benjamin Robertson (Loewe) Producer : Lewis Smith
Producer : Miki Murata
Marketing : Saori Imai PR : Takeshi Shimbo   Glam 
Stylist : Tamao IIda 
Makeup UDA Hair : Koichi Nishimura 
Still and Movie 
Photographer : Vitali Gelwich @vitali_gelwich 1st AC : Pamina Aicchorn @minaaichhorn 2nd AC : Rem Egura @rem06xd Digi tech : Hiroki Nagahiro @nagahiroki
Digi tech : Dhani Caro @dhanicaro 
Director of Photography : Hans Bobànovits @bnvts 1st AC : Tatsuya Ouchi @tatsuya_ouchi 2nd AC : Matthew Kingery @chatty.pdf Lighting Gaffer : James Thompson @james_thompson_lx Best Boy : Wataru Yoshinaga @waterloo1015

Art and Props Set Design : Akihiro Yamaya @akihiroyamaya
Assistant : Alex Hayano @alexhayano Assistant : Ao Nagasaki @watashiwa__aodesu   Production @cekai_jp 
Producer : Nanaka Sakurai @nanaka_sakurai Producer : Yohei Fujii @biscco Producer : Nakakimu @69sec Producer : Kei Honda @thisisnotkei PM: Troy Fukuda @troyippei PM : Eisuke Arai @a_sk_e PA : Lulu Nabeshima @lulumarine PA : Sofian “Ted” Boucif @teddevo
PA : Yuya Amano @motti_moti
4 0 3 months ago

Mikako Ichikawa
Junko Asano @junkowillma
Manami Kinoshita @kinoshitamanami
Loewe Team 
Art Direction, Film : Clementine Hardcastle 
Art Direction, Photography : @benjaminrobertson 
Producer : Lewis Smith
Producer : @miki.g.murata 
Marketing : Saori Imai
PR : Takeshi Shimbo
Glam Team 
Stylist : Tamao IIda
Makeup UDA
Hair : Koichi Nishimura

Still and Movie
Photographer @vitali_gelwich
1st AC @minaaichhorn
2nd AC @rem06xd
Digi tech @nagahiroki
Digi tech @dhanicaro

Director of Photography @bnvts
1st AC @tatsuya_ouchi
2nd AC @chatty.pdf
Gaffer @james_thompson_lx
Best Boy @waterloo1015

Art and Props
Set Design @akihiroyamaya
Assistant @alexhayano
Assistant @watashiwa__aodesu
Production @cekai_jp 
Producer @nanaka_sakurai
Producer @biscco
Producer @69sec
Producer @thisisnotkei
Main PM @troyippei
PM @a_sk_e
PA @lulumarine
PA @teddevo
PA @motti_moti

Huge thanks and love for Miki san and Ben from Loewe team for the amazing opportunity and partnership 🙏❤️
LOEWE FLAMENCO PURSE CAMPAIGN Cast Mikako Ichikawa Junko Asano @junkowillma Manami Kinoshita @kinoshitamanami Loewe Team Art Direction, Film : Clementine Hardcastle Art Direction, Photography : @benjaminrobertson Producer : Lewis Smith Producer : @miki.g.murata Marketing : Saori Imai PR : Takeshi Shimbo Glam Team Stylist : Tamao IIda Makeup UDA Hair : Koichi Nishimura Still and Movie Photographer @vitali_gelwich 1st AC @minaaichhorn 2nd AC @rem06xd Digi tech @nagahiroki Digi tech @dhanicaro Director of Photography @bnvts 1st AC @tatsuya_ouchi 2nd AC @chatty.pdf Lighting Gaffer @james_thompson_lx Best Boy @waterloo1015 Art and Props Set Design @akihiroyamaya Assistant @alexhayano Assistant @watashiwa__aodesu Production @cekai_jp Producer @nanaka_sakurai Producer @biscco Producer @69sec Producer @thisisnotkei Main PM @troyippei PM @a_sk_e PA @lulumarine PA @teddevo PA @motti_moti Huge thanks and love for Miki san and Ben from Loewe team for the amazing opportunity and partnership 🙏❤️
65 0 4 months ago

Mikako Ichikawa
Junko Asano @junkowillma
Manami Kinoshita @kinoshitamanami
Loewe Team 
Art Direction, Film : Clementine Hardcastle 
Art Direction, Photography : @benjaminrobertson 
Producer : Lewis Smith
Producer : @miki.g.murata 
Marketing : Saori Imai
PR : Takeshi Shimbo
Glam Team 
Stylist : Tamao IIda
Makeup UDA
Hair : Koichi Nishimura

Still and Movie
Photographer @vitali_gelwich
1st AC @minaaichhorn
2nd AC @rem06xd
Digi tech @nagahiroki
Digi tech @dhanicaro

Director of Photography @bnvts
1st AC @tatsuya_ouchi
2nd AC @chatty.pdf
Gaffer @james_thompson_lx
Best Boy @waterloo1015

Art and Props
Set Design @akihiroyamaya
Assistant @alexhayano
Assistant @watashiwa__aodesu
Production @cekai_jp 
Producer @nanaka_sakurai
Producer @biscco
Producer @69sec
Producer @thisisnotkei
Main PM @troyippei
PM @a_sk_e
PA @lulumarine
PA @teddevo
PA @motti_moti

Huge thanks and love for Miki san and Ben from Loewe team for the amazing opportunity and partnership 🙏❤️
LOEWE FLAMENCO PURSE CAMPAIGN Cast Mikako Ichikawa Junko Asano @junkowillma Manami Kinoshita @kinoshitamanami Loewe Team Art Direction, Film : Clementine Hardcastle Art Direction, Photography : @benjaminrobertson Producer : Lewis Smith Producer : @miki.g.murata Marketing : Saori Imai PR : Takeshi Shimbo Glam Team Stylist : Tamao IIda Makeup UDA Hair : Koichi Nishimura Still and Movie Photographer @vitali_gelwich 1st AC @minaaichhorn 2nd AC @rem06xd Digi tech @nagahiroki Digi tech @dhanicaro Director of Photography @bnvts 1st AC @tatsuya_ouchi 2nd AC @chatty.pdf Lighting Gaffer @james_thompson_lx Best Boy @waterloo1015 Art and Props Set Design @akihiroyamaya Assistant @alexhayano Assistant @watashiwa__aodesu Production @cekai_jp Producer @nanaka_sakurai Producer @biscco Producer @69sec Producer @thisisnotkei Main PM @troyippei PM @a_sk_e PA @lulumarine PA @teddevo PA @motti_moti Huge thanks and love for Miki san and Ben from Loewe team for the amazing opportunity and partnership 🙏❤️
61 1 4 months ago

Mikako Ichikawa
Junko Asano @junkowillma
Manami Kinoshita @kinoshitamanami
Loewe Team 
Art Direction, Film : Clementine Hardcastle 
Art Direction, Photography : @benjaminrobertson 
Producer : Lewis Smith
Producer : @miki.g.murata 
Marketing : Saori Imai
PR : Takeshi Shimbo
Glam Team 
Stylist : Tamao IIda
Makeup UDA
Hair : Koichi Nishimura

Still and Movie
Photographer @vitali_gelwich
1st AC @minaaichhorn
2nd AC @rem06xd
Digi tech @nagahiroki
Digi tech @dhanicaro

Director of Photography @bnvts
1st AC @tatsuya_ouchi
2nd AC @chatty.pdf
Gaffer @james_thompson_lx
Best Boy @waterloo1015

Art and Props
Set Design @akihiroyamaya
Assistant @alexhayano
Assistant @watashiwa__aodesu
Production @cekai_jp 
Producer @nanaka_sakurai
Producer @biscco
Producer @69sec
Producer @thisisnotkei
Main PM @troyippei
PM @a_sk_e
PA @lulumarine
PA @teddevo
PA @motti_moti

Huge thanks and love for Miki san and Ben from Loewe team for the amazing opportunity and partnership 🙏❤️
LOEWE FLAMENCO PURSE CAMPAIGN Cast Mikako Ichikawa Junko Asano @junkowillma Manami Kinoshita @kinoshitamanami Loewe Team Art Direction, Film : Clementine Hardcastle Art Direction, Photography : @benjaminrobertson Producer : Lewis Smith Producer : @miki.g.murata Marketing : Saori Imai PR : Takeshi Shimbo Glam Team Stylist : Tamao IIda Makeup UDA Hair : Koichi Nishimura Still and Movie Photographer @vitali_gelwich 1st AC @minaaichhorn 2nd AC @rem06xd Digi tech @nagahiroki Digi tech @dhanicaro Director of Photography @bnvts 1st AC @tatsuya_ouchi 2nd AC @chatty.pdf Lighting Gaffer @james_thompson_lx Best Boy @waterloo1015 Art and Props Set Design @akihiroyamaya Assistant @alexhayano Assistant @watashiwa__aodesu Production @cekai_jp Producer @nanaka_sakurai Producer @biscco Producer @69sec Producer @thisisnotkei Main PM @troyippei PM @a_sk_e PA @lulumarine PA @teddevo PA @motti_moti Huge thanks and love for Miki san and Ben from Loewe team for the amazing opportunity and partnership 🙏❤️
57 1 4 months ago