psychichotlineInstagram Profile


Psychic Hotline

  • 357 posts
  • 2.5K following

Psychic Hotline Profile Information

@psychichotline on Instagram have full name is Psychic Hotline. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by psychichotline on Instagram. Read More...

@immaculatetaste 🤝 @psychichotline

We have been friends for a long time, coming up together in the North Carolina music community. @alec_lomami @mikethecurator & co have long been inspiring creative forces working in the recorded music space, creative direction, photography, fashion, concert promotions, curation and beyond; notably their @novisaparty events remain some of the best times to be found in NC. So fun to get to collaborate with them on this shoot, we have some exciting things in store together for 2025!

The full collection is available on our website, or this Saturday at our Mailroom Outlet; 316 Holland St, Durham, 12-3p, in the alley ✌️
@immaculatetaste 🤝 @psychichotline We have been friends for a long time, coming up together in the North Carolina music community. @alec_lomami @mikethecurator & co have long been inspiring creative forces working in the recorded music space, creative direction, photography, fashion, concert promotions, curation and beyond; notably their @novisaparty events remain some of the best times to be found in NC. So fun to get to collaborate with them on this shoot, we have some exciting things in store together for 2025! The full collection is available on our website, or this Saturday at our Mailroom Outlet; 316 Holland St, Durham, 12-3p, in the alley ✌️
89 4 6 days ago
Today, @ichikoaoba unveils new single “FLAG.” Unlike the lush orchestrations of “Luciférine,” “FLAG” captures pure simplicity. With just her voice and a guitar, Ichiko reflects on life while gazing at the sea as she sings: “Is it true that we are reborn so many times over?”

“FLAG” debuts alongside a breathtaking live performance of the track filmed during sunset at Holland’s Into The Great Wide Open festival.

Ichiko Aoba’s long awaited new album, Luminescent Creatures, out February 28th, 2025 via hermine / Psychic Hotline
Today, @ichikoaoba unveils new single “FLAG.” Unlike the lush orchestrations of “Luciférine,” “FLAG” captures pure simplicity. With just her voice and a guitar, Ichiko reflects on life while gazing at the sea as she sings: “Is it true that we are reborn so many times over?” “FLAG” debuts alongside a breathtaking live performance of the track filmed during sunset at Holland’s Into The Great Wide Open festival. Ichiko Aoba’s long awaited new album, Luminescent Creatures, out February 28th, 2025 via hermine / Psychic Hotline
105 0 7 days ago
Durham! We’ve made some exciting improvements to Grand Opening, our mailroom outlet & newsstand located at 316 Holland St, downtown. Updates about our plans for the space in 2025 coming soon, but we’ll be opening the doors one more time this year on Saturday from noon until 3pm. 

Come shop the entire catalog (including the @grrlmusic x @madeofoak Hardcore 12” early) + a growing selection of non-Psychic titles as well as merch, posters, zines, books, prints and more! We have a grip of 2025 test pressings that we’ll be spinning for a sneak peak of what next year has in store. See you Saturday ✌️
Durham! We’ve made some exciting improvements to Grand Opening, our mailroom outlet & newsstand located at 316 Holland St, downtown. Updates about our plans for the space in 2025 coming soon, but we’ll be opening the doors one more time this year on Saturday from noon until 3pm. Come shop the entire catalog (including the @grrlmusic x @madeofoak Hardcore 12” early) + a growing selection of non-Psychic titles as well as merch, posters, zines, books, prints and more! We have a grip of 2025 test pressings that we’ll be spinning for a sneak peak of what next year has in store. See you Saturday ✌️
78 0 8 days ago
DURHAM, here’s your final reminder for Saturday’s 💥 GRRL x MADE OF OAK ‘HARDCORE’ EP RELEASE SHOW 💥 co-curated with our friends at @novisaparty

Come through @ps37durham tomorrow Saturday Dec 7 from 9:30pm to 2am for a line-up featuring GxM, @musicvelle & @im_apah (B2B), DJ Jas (@jaswerry) and @treeecity

$15 in advance // $20 DOS. Link in bio + stories

See y’all there for the final Good Moon show event of 2024 🫡

Photos by Graham Tolbert @grahamtlbrtfoto
DURHAM, here’s your final reminder for Saturday’s 💥 GRRL x MADE OF OAK ‘HARDCORE’ EP RELEASE SHOW 💥 co-curated with our friends at @novisaparty Come through @ps37durham tomorrow Saturday Dec 7 from 9:30pm to 2am for a line-up featuring GxM, @musicvelle & @im_apah (B2B), DJ Jas (@jaswerry) and @treeecity $15 in advance // $20 DOS. Link in bio + stories See y’all there for the final Good Moon show event of 2024 🫡 Photos by Graham Tolbert @grahamtlbrtfoto
3 1 13 days ago
Excited to announce new Dead Tongues tour dates for 2025, including many stops across the West Coast! Tickets for most of these shows will be available from 10am local this Friday, December 6th at Looking forward to seeing yall next year!

Photo by @hunter__savoy
Excited to announce new Dead Tongues tour dates for 2025, including many stops across the West Coast! Tickets for most of these shows will be available from 10am local this Friday, December 6th at Looking forward to seeing yall next year! Photo by @hunter__savoy
3 21 16 days ago
We are thrilled to welcome @_andy_jenkins to the Psychic Hotline family with his new single “Leaving Before” — out today!

The musical communities of Durham, North Carolina and Richmond, Virgina have long been intertwined, bizarre state-line refractions of one another, just 150 miles of I-85 apart, and RVA’s bard, Andy Jenkins, has been in our collective orbit for as long as we can remember. His writing is as incisive as it is elliptical; he works without hurry, distilling his observations into fertile transmissions, his albums reward being lived with, being parsed and metabolized. Jenkins is one of our very favorite writers, there’s as much Nilsson and Newman as there is Callahan and Oldham, all the good shit. 

We are honored to share “Leaving Before”, the first dispatch from a period of time that Andy spent in North Carolina with Nick Sanborn ( @madeofoak @sylvanesso ), working out at Psychic Hotline’s sister studio, Betty’s, tracked as spring was springing and packed away for the colder months like pressed leaves and flowers.

Listen to “Leaving Before” - link in bio!
We are thrilled to welcome @_andy_jenkins to the Psychic Hotline family with his new single “Leaving Before” — out today! The musical communities of Durham, North Carolina and Richmond, Virgina have long been intertwined, bizarre state-line refractions of one another, just 150 miles of I-85 apart, and RVA’s bard, Andy Jenkins, has been in our collective orbit for as long as we can remember. His writing is as incisive as it is elliptical; he works without hurry, distilling his observations into fertile transmissions, his albums reward being lived with, being parsed and metabolized. Jenkins is one of our very favorite writers, there’s as much Nilsson and Newman as there is Callahan and Oldham, all the good shit. We are honored to share “Leaving Before”, the first dispatch from a period of time that Andy spent in North Carolina with Nick Sanborn ( @madeofoak @sylvanesso ), working out at Psychic Hotline’s sister studio, Betty’s, tracked as spring was springing and packed away for the colder months like pressed leaves and flowers. Listen to “Leaving Before” - link in bio!
232 20 16 days ago
Festival de Frue
Festival de Frue
372 3 a month ago
I MADE A LOVERS PRAYER 🕊️ New song out today on @psychichotline 

This song by @gillianwelchofficial has gotten me through a lot in the last 20 years. The piano has gotten me through a lot in the last 40 years. Putting them together has been a revelation for me and I’m glad to share that with you all today, along with a beautiful visualizer by 
📷 by @grahamtlbrtfoto 

Listen to the full song at the link in my bio.

Much love, PC
I MADE A LOVERS PRAYER 🕊️ New song out today on @psychichotline This song by @gillianwelchofficial has gotten me through a lot in the last 20 years. The piano has gotten me through a lot in the last 40 years. Putting them together has been a revelation for me and I’m glad to share that with you all today, along with a beautiful visualizer by 📷 by @grahamtlbrtfoto Listen to the full song at the link in my bio. Much love, PC
3 57 a month ago
Hippo Campus made it to Japan! Two sold out shows in Tokyo starting Monday! // アメリカ・ミネソタのインディーポップバンドHippo Campus来日しました!11/18はチケット残少・11/19は完売御礼。みんな日本大好きで昂ってます!お見逃しなく。

Hippo Campus – Live in Tokyo 2024

2024/11/18 (月)
新大久保EARTHDOM *残り僅か*
Hippo Campus (US)

2024/11/19 (火)
下北沢SHELTER *完売御礼*
Hippo Campus (US)

前売り ¥6500 / 当日 ¥7,000
開場19:00 / 開演19:30

総ストリーミング再生数10億回超え・月間リスナー180万人を誇るアメリカ・ミネソタのインディー・ポップバンドHippo Campusが4th Album "Flood" を引っ提げて待望の初来日!

高校の同級生4人で結成されたHippo Campusは、至極キャッチーでフックに満ちたメロディーに、時に囁き時に感情を解き放つような情緒豊かなボーカルが乗る、実に耳馴染みのよいインディー・ポップを奏でるバンドだ。

今夏リリースされた4thアルバム "Flood" は、Caleb Wright (Charly Bliss、Samia) と Brad Cook (Bon Iver、Waxahatchee) をプロデューサーに迎え、長い間密接に繋がってきたメンバー4人が、絆を大切にしながらも個人としていかに進化できるかに挑戦し、これまでで最も無防備で等身大な作品が誕生した。とりわけ、死と落胆・中毒性と不安感・夢と悪夢・自己批判と受容・期待と裏切りなど、両極端の感情を経験することで何がもたらされるかについて突き詰めたという。先行リリースされたシングル3曲はわずか数週間で300万再生を超え、去る8月14日には地元ミネソタ・ツインズのホームゲームの始球式に登場した。その注目度の高さは想像に容易いだろう。

9月15日からはアルバムを携えたワールドツアーを敢行中。ロサンゼルス・サンフランシスコ・ニューヨークなどソールドアウト公演続出、その勢いのまま初めてアジアに降り立つ。日本・韓国で3公演、タイの大型フェス・Maho Rasopへ出演したのち、中国で2公演とバンドにもファンにも待望のアジアツアーがこのほど実現する運びとなった。かねてより来日を望む声が多く挙がっていたHippo Campusが4thアルバムのリリースツアーを記念し、満を持して日本にやってくる。

Hippo Campus – Paranoid (Official Music Video)

Hippo Campus – Everything at Once (Official Music Video)
Hippo Campus made it to Japan! Two sold out shows in Tokyo starting Monday! // アメリカ・ミネソタのインディーポップバンドHippo Campus来日しました!11/18はチケット残少・11/19は完売御礼。みんな日本大好きで昂ってます!お見逃しなく。 Hippo Campus – Live in Tokyo 2024
 2024/11/18 (月) 新大久保EARTHDOM *残り僅か*
Hippo Campus (US)
 2024/11/19 (火) 下北沢SHELTER *完売御礼*
Hippo Campus (US)

前売り ¥6500 / 当日 ¥7,000
開場19:00 / 開演19:30 *両日共通 
総ストリーミング再生数10億回超え・月間リスナー180万人を誇るアメリカ・ミネソタのインディー・ポップバンドHippo Campusが4th Album "Flood" を引っ提げて待望の初来日! 
高校の同級生4人で結成されたHippo Campusは、至極キャッチーでフックに満ちたメロディーに、時に囁き時に感情を解き放つような情緒豊かなボーカルが乗る、実に耳馴染みのよいインディー・ポップを奏でるバンドだ。
 今夏リリースされた4thアルバム "Flood" は、Caleb Wright (Charly Bliss、Samia) と Brad Cook (Bon Iver、Waxahatchee) をプロデューサーに迎え、長い間密接に繋がってきたメンバー4人が、絆を大切にしながらも個人としていかに進化できるかに挑戦し、これまでで最も無防備で等身大な作品が誕生した。とりわけ、死と落胆・中毒性と不安感・夢と悪夢・自己批判と受容・期待と裏切りなど、両極端の感情を経験することで何がもたらされるかについて突き詰めたという。先行リリースされたシングル3曲はわずか数週間で300万再生を超え、去る8月14日には地元ミネソタ・ツインズのホームゲームの始球式に登場した。その注目度の高さは想像に容易いだろう。
 9月15日からはアルバムを携えたワールドツアーを敢行中。ロサンゼルス・サンフランシスコ・ニューヨークなどソールドアウト公演続出、その勢いのまま初めてアジアに降り立つ。日本・韓国で3公演、タイの大型フェス・Maho Rasopへ出演したのち、中国で2公演とバンドにもファンにも待望のアジアツアーがこのほど実現する運びとなった。かねてより来日を望む声が多く挙がっていたHippo Campusが4thアルバムのリリースツアーを記念し、満を持して日本にやってくる。 Hippo Campus – Paranoid (Official Music Video) Hippo Campus – Everything at Once (Official Music Video)
10K 29 a month ago
✧ new song ✧
" Luciférine "
✧ new song ✧ " Luciférine "
6.1K 69 a month ago
✧ Luminescent Creatures World Tour ✧

✧ LCWT ✧

Feb 24 - Hong Kong, CN @ Xi Qu Centre, Grand Theatre [with Musicians from HK Phil]
Feb 26 - Seoul, KR @ Sky Arts Hall
Feb 27 - Seoul,  KR @ Sky Arts Hall (new show)
Mar 6 - Taipei, TW @ Zhongshan Hall (low tickets)

Mar 10 - Barcelona, ES @ Parallel 62
Mar 11 - Valencia, ES @ Teatro Rambleta
Mar 13 - Milan, IT @ Auditorium San Fedele (low tickets)
Mar 15 - Zurich, CH @ Mascotte
Mar 18 - Hamburg, DE @ Laiszhalle
Mar 19 - Berlin, DE @ Urania (Humboldtsaal)
Mar 21 - Utrecht, NL @ TivoliVredenburg (Grote Zaal) (low tickets)
Mar 23 - Groningen, NL @ Oosterpoort
Mar 25 - Antwerp, BE @ De Roma
Mar 27 - Paris, FR @ La Trianon (low tickets)
Mar 31 - London, UK @ Barbican [with 12 Ensemble*]
Apr 2 - Manchester, UK @ Albert Hall
Apr 4 - Gateshead, UK @ The Glasshouse
Apr 5 - Glasgow, UK @ City Halls

North America
Apr 17 - Honolulu, HI @ Hawaii Theatre
Apr 19 - Vancouver, BC @ Chan Centre (low tickets)
Apr 20 - Portland, OR @ Revolution Hall
Apr 21 - Seattle, WA @ The Moore
Apr 23 - Oakland, CA @ Fox Oakland
Apr 26 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Wiltern [with Wordless Music Quintet] (low tickets)
Apr 27 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Wiltern [with Wordless Music Quintet]
Apr 29 - Scottsdale, AZ @ Scottsdale Center
May 1 - Denver, CO @ Paramount Theatre
May 3 - St Paul, MN @ Fitzgerald Theatre (low tickets)
May 4 - St Paul, MN @ Fitzgerald Theatre (new show)
May 6 - Chicago, IL @ Thalia Hall
May 7 - Chicago, IL @ Thalia Hall
May 9 - Detroit, MI @ Masonic Cathedral Theatre
May 10 - Cleveland, OH @ Agora Theatre
May 12 - Boston, MA @ Berklee Performance Center
May 14 - New York, NY @ Kings Theatre [with Wordless Music Quintet]
May 17 - Philadelphia, PA @ Miller Theatre
May 18 - Washington, DC @ Warner Theatre
May 22 - Mexico City, MX @ Teatro Metropolitan

*LCWT premiere of Luminescent Creatures in full ensemble performance.

And if you can’t make it to any of the dates listed, we'll be announcing more dates soon🪽
✧ Luminescent Creatures World Tour ✧ ▷ ✧ LCWT ✧ Asia Feb 24 - Hong Kong, CN @ Xi Qu Centre, Grand Theatre [with Musicians from HK Phil] Feb 26 - Seoul, KR @ Sky Arts Hall Feb 27 - Seoul, KR @ Sky Arts Hall (new show) Mar 6 - Taipei, TW @ Zhongshan Hall (low tickets) Europe Mar 10 - Barcelona, ES @ Parallel 62 Mar 11 - Valencia, ES @ Teatro Rambleta Mar 13 - Milan, IT @ Auditorium San Fedele (low tickets) Mar 15 - Zurich, CH @ Mascotte Mar 18 - Hamburg, DE @ Laiszhalle Mar 19 - Berlin, DE @ Urania (Humboldtsaal) Mar 21 - Utrecht, NL @ TivoliVredenburg (Grote Zaal) (low tickets) Mar 23 - Groningen, NL @ Oosterpoort Mar 25 - Antwerp, BE @ De Roma Mar 27 - Paris, FR @ La Trianon (low tickets) Mar 31 - London, UK @ Barbican [with 12 Ensemble*] Apr 2 - Manchester, UK @ Albert Hall Apr 4 - Gateshead, UK @ The Glasshouse Apr 5 - Glasgow, UK @ City Halls North America Apr 17 - Honolulu, HI @ Hawaii Theatre Apr 19 - Vancouver, BC @ Chan Centre (low tickets) Apr 20 - Portland, OR @ Revolution Hall Apr 21 - Seattle, WA @ The Moore Apr 23 - Oakland, CA @ Fox Oakland Apr 26 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Wiltern [with Wordless Music Quintet] (low tickets) Apr 27 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Wiltern [with Wordless Music Quintet] Apr 29 - Scottsdale, AZ @ Scottsdale Center May 1 - Denver, CO @ Paramount Theatre May 3 - St Paul, MN @ Fitzgerald Theatre (low tickets) May 4 - St Paul, MN @ Fitzgerald Theatre (new show) May 6 - Chicago, IL @ Thalia Hall May 7 - Chicago, IL @ Thalia Hall May 9 - Detroit, MI @ Masonic Cathedral Theatre May 10 - Cleveland, OH @ Agora Theatre May 12 - Boston, MA @ Berklee Performance Center May 14 - New York, NY @ Kings Theatre [with Wordless Music Quintet] May 17 - Philadelphia, PA @ Miller Theatre May 18 - Washington, DC @ Warner Theatre May 22 - Mexico City, MX @ Teatro Metropolitan *LCWT premiere of Luminescent Creatures in full ensemble performance. And if you can’t make it to any of the dates listed, we'll be announcing more dates soon🪽
46.4K 982 a month ago
✷ new album ✷
Feb. 28, 2025

" Luminescent Creatures "

02. 24° 03' 27.0" N, 123° 47' 7.5" E
03. mazamun
04. tower
05. aurora
06. FLAG
07. Cochlea
08. Luciférine
09. pirsomnia
11. 惑星の泪

Produced by Ichiko Aoba & Taro Umebayashi
Orchestration by Taro Umebayashi @taroumebayashi 
Recorded & Mixed by Toshihiko Kasai @casxtx 
Mastered by Seigen Ono @onoseigen at SDLab (div. Saidera Mastering & Recording)
Art Direction & Photography: Kodai Kobayashi @tengoyola 
Design: Hikari Machiguchi @hikarimachiguchi (Match and Company Co., Ltd.)

✷ new album ✷ Feb. 28, 2025 " Luminescent Creatures " 01. COLORATURA  02. 24° 03' 27.0" N, 123° 47' 7.5" E 03. mazamun 04. tower 05. aurora 06. FLAG 07. Cochlea 08. Luciférine 09. pirsomnia 10. SONAR 11. 惑星の泪
 Produced by Ichiko Aoba & Taro Umebayashi Orchestration by Taro Umebayashi @taroumebayashi 
Recorded & Mixed by Toshihiko Kasai @casxtx 
Mastered by Seigen Ono @onoseigen at SDLab (div. Saidera Mastering & Recording)
Art Direction & Photography: Kodai Kobayashi @tengoyola 
Design: Hikari Machiguchi @hikarimachiguchi (Match and Company Co., Ltd.) .
24.3K 337 a month ago