profiled @jadethirlwall in the massive crater of her genre-defining "Angel of My Dreams", which hit the pop airwaves like an extraterrestrial force being crashing down from heaven.

story by me
📸: @tannerabelofficial 
styling: @mazurized 
makeup: @molliegloss 
nails: @kawaiinailsnyc 
set: @reece.qk 
eic: @justintmoran 
managing editor: @mattdwille 
music editor: @ericacxmpbell 
editorial producer: @angelinacantu
profiled @jadethirlwall in the massive crater of her genre-defining "Angel of My Dreams", which hit the pop airwaves like an extraterrestrial force being crashing down from heaven. story by me 📸: @tannerabelofficial styling: @mazurized makeup: @molliegloss nails: @kawaiinailsnyc set: @reece.qk eic: @justintmoran managing editor: @mattdwille music editor: @ericacxmpbell editorial producer: @angelinacantu
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