@zaramirebrahimi on Instagram have full name is Zar Amir Ebrahimi. Here you can discover all stories, photos, videos posted by zaramirebrahimi on Instagram. Read More...
🎥✨ فيلم “الاختفاء” بعد تألقه في مهرجان أيام قرطاچ السينمائية، لا تفوّتوا فرصة مشاهدته في عروضه القادمة:
📅 17 ديسمبر | 🕡 الساعة 18:30 | 📍 ABC
📅 18 ديسمبر | 🕗 الساعة 20:00 | 📍 MAD’Art
🎥✨ The Vanishing after its brilliance at the Carthage Film Festival, do not miss the opportunity to watch it in its upcoming screenings:
📅 December 17 | 🕡 at 18:30 | 📍 ABC
📅 December 18 | 🕗 at 20:00 | 📍 MAD’Art
526 0 2 days ago
The Vanishing had its International Premiere 📸 @marrakechfilmfestival starring rising star Sammy Lechea & Zar Amir Ebrahimi (2022 Cannes Best Actress - Holy Spider).
From the Anatomy of a Fall producers comes a psychological thriller by Karim Moussaoui, whose breakthrough debut film Until the Birds Return premiered in Cannes Un Certain Regard.
3.2K 35 16 days ago
العرض الأول عربياً لفيلم “الاختفاء” ضمن فعاليات مهرجان مراكش السينمائي الدولي. 🎬✨
يشهد حضور جماهيري متميز، احتفى بأبطال وفريق العمل، ما أضاف مزيدًا من التألق لهذه الليلة السينمائية الرائعة
Boasting a full house screening with an electrifying atmosphere, The Vanishing held a successful MENA premiere at the @marrakechfilmfestival , with producer @bouchouchadorra and @mad_solutions founders @alaakarkouti and @maherdiabart in attendance alongside the talented cast and crew! 🎥✨
Onward and upwards!
2.9K 17 17 days ago
البوستر الرسمي لفيلم "الاختفاء" من إخراج كريم موساوي وإنتاج درة بوشوشة.
يُعرض اليوم لأول مرة في العالم العربي في مهرجان مراكش السينمائي الدولي.
The official poster of Karim Moussaoui’s The Vanishing, from the production of our @madcrewcelebrity@bouchouchadorra .
Stay tuned for its MENA premiere TONIGHT at the @marrakechfilmfestival
1K 8 18 days ago
ماذا يحدث لـ رضا في تلك اللحظة؟ هل يختفي انعكاسه، أم أنه هو من يبدأ في "الاختفاء"؟
ترقبوا العرض العربي الأول لفيلم الإثارة النفسية "الاختفاء" من إخراج كريم موساوي وإنتاج درة بوشوشة، ضمن فعاليات مهرجان مراكش السينمائي الدولي!
Stay tuned for the MENA premiere of Karim Moussaoui's psychological thriller The Vanishing — produced by our very own @madcrewcelebrity@bouchouchadorra — at the upcoming @marrakechfilmfestival !
🎉 Huge congratulations to @zaramirebrahimi and filmmakers @nmusteata and Alexandre Singh for winning the GRAND JURY PRIZE at the 2025 #AFIFEST, presented by the @americanfilminstitute! 🌟 Their short film, Two People Exchanging Saliva, captured the hearts of audiences and judges alike with its unique storytelling and powerful visuals.
Bravo to this talented team for such a remarkable achievement! 🏆
About the film:
An absurdist tragedy set in a repressive society where kissing is punishable by death, and people pay for things by receiving slaps to the face. Angine, an unhappy woman, shops compulsively in a department store. There, she becomes fascinated with Malaise, an ingenuous salesgirl. Despite the prohibition of kissing, the two become close, raising the suspicions of a jealous colleague.
#AFIFEST2025 #GrandJuryPrize #Filmmakers #ShortFilm #CelebratingCinema
2.2K 33 2 months ago
Siamo felici di annunciare che “Leggere Lolita a Teheran”, il nuovo film diretto da Eran Riklis e tratto dall’omonimo bestseller di Azar Nafisi, ha vinto il Premio del Pubblico FS per il Miglior Film e il Premio Speciale della Giuria al Miglior Cast alla 19ª Festa del Cinema di Roma! A ritirare i premi, consegnati rispettivamente dal sindaco di Roma Roberto Gualtieri e dall’attrice Laetitia Casta, il regista Eran Riklis e il cast.
Ambientato nell’Iran post-rivoluzionario di Khomeyni, il film racconta la potente e coraggiosa storia di una professoressa universitaria che, attraverso un circolo letterario clandestino, accende nelle sue giovani allieve il fuoco della conoscenza e della libertà d’epressione. La regia di Riklis dipinge con maestria le sfumature di un mondo oppresso, dove ogni pagina letta è un passo in più verso l’emancipazione.
La critica ha elogiato “Leggere Lolita a Teheran” per la sua intensa narrazione e per la straordinaria interpretazione del cast corale femminile, guidato dalle talentuose Golshifteh Farahani, Zar Amir-Ebrahimi e Mina Kavani. Un sincero e appassionato omaggio al potere liberatorio della cultura e della letteratura contro ogni oscurantismo.
Una co-produzione Minerva Pictures, Rosamont, Eran Riklis Production e Topia Communications, in collaborazione con Rai Cinema, United King Films e Westend Film.
“Leggere Lolita a Teheran” arriverà al cinema dal 21 novembre con FilmClub Distribuzione e Minerva Pictures. Vi aspettiamo in sala!
5.7K 70 2 months ago
Ieri sera, Minerva Pictures ha avuto l’onore di presentare “Leggere Lolita a Teheran” in concorso alla 19ª Festa del Cinema di Roma. Una serata indimenticabile in presenza del regista Eran Riklis, della scrittrice Azar Nafisi e delle straordinarie protagoniste Golshifteh Farahani, Zar Amir-Ebrahimi e Mina Kavani, affiancate dal resto del cast corale.
Tratto dal bestseller di Azar Nafisi, “Leggere Lolita a Teheran” è un’opera potente, necessaria; un inno al potere della cultura e della letteratura come strumenti di emancipazione e resistenza. La standing ovation che ha accolto la fine del film ha confermato l’impatto profondo che la pellicola ha avuto sul pubblico presente, che ha applaudito per più di 10 minuti.
Minerva Pictures, insieme ai partner produttivi Rosamont, Eran Riklis Productions e Topia Communications, con il supporto di Rai Cinema, è orgogliosa di aver contribuito a portare sul grande schermo questa storia. Il film uscirà nelle sale italiane dal 21 novembre, distribuito da FilmClub Distribuzione e Minerva Pictures. Non perdetelo!
3.7K 85 2 months ago
Zar Amir, regissör/skådespelare Tatami, på Göteborg Film Festival.
Porträtterad av Svante Örnberg.
Se Tatami på bio nu!
VM i judo blir inte bara en kamp för guld, utan också en frihetskamp mot den iranska regimen i medryckande sport-thriller av och med @zaramirebrahimi (Holy Spider).
Zar Amir
Göteborg Film Festival 2024
Foto: Svante Örnberg
6.3K 45 2 months ago
#Repost @romacinemafest
Reading Lolita in Tehran di Eran Riklis racconta la lotta della protagonista per trasmettere bellezza e cultura in un contesto difficile. Al photocall di #RoFF19, il meraviglioso cast al femminile celebra le proprie origini e l’importanza di condividere la conoscenza.
Reading Lolita in Tehran by Eran Riklis tells the story of the protagonist’s struggle to convey beauty and culture in a challenging environment. At the photocall of #RoFF19, the wonderful female cast celebrates their roots and the importance of sharing knowledge.
Foto di @emilia_dele_@minervapictures@golfarahani@zaramirebrahi@mina_kavani@baharbeihaghi@isabellanefar@iamrararah@laradwolf@arashmarandi@caty_ahmadi